
Riots connected to rising food prices were troubling many parts of the world in 2008 shortly before the financial crisis provoked a dip in the world economy .
It was likely this would push the US into a double-dip recession , he wrote .
In any case , growing anxiety about a double-dip recession meant the half-decent growth figures were barely celebrated .
In a matter of days , a consensus quickly emerged : most strategists now place the odds of a double dip at 30-40 % .
The net balance of optimists versus pessimists remains healthy , something which reassures me that the possibility of a double-dip recession continues to diminish .
The wave of buying is providing support for metals and minerals prices after commodities prices fell this month amid worries about a double-dip recession .
As the US frets about the possibility of a double-dip recession and Europeans scour the horizon for signs of the next sovereign debt default , Asia is in confident mood .
Looking ahead , does anyone really know how the ECB would react if , say , the global economy went into a double dip and the eurozone lurched into a deflationary recession ?
The moves had been widely anticipated , however , and economists warned they fell far short of restoring confidence battered by slowing growth , the threat of a double-dip recession in the US and a rise in the yen .
The European Central Bank yesterday forecast that the eurozone would expand this year and in 2011 much more strongly than previously expected , ruling out a " double dip " back into recession .
China is unlikely to see a " double dip " in its economy in the2nd half of this year .
We don 't see a double-dip recession , ' Mr. Bernanke told Congress last week . ' We see continued moderate growth . '
Time for a double dip ? A lousy debt deal , rising fears of a recession , the danger of longer-term stagnation : America 's outlook is grim
Oil hitting $ 140 a barrel could mean that " some of the advanced economies will start to double dip , " NYU economist Nouriel Roubini said Wednesday in Dubai .
With the economic picture darkening daily , the burden of preventing another slump is falling on the White House and Congress .
The Commission expects no more than 0.1 per cent growth a quarter over the next nine months , adding that a contraction , creating a double-dip , cannot be ruled out .