
  • 网络manager market
  1. 建立经理市场,完善企业家的激励制衡机制等观点。

    To establish manager market , improving entrepreneurs incentive mechanism .

  2. 三要培育经理市场,改革国有企业人事管理体制。

    Cultivating manager market and reforming personnel management system of state-owned enterprises .

  3. 加快建立经理市场,推进其职业化、市场化进程

    Accelerate the Managers ' Market and Advance its Professionalization and Marketing Process

  4. 经理市场的隐性激励约束效应分析及对策

    Initial research of the implicit incentive-restraint effectiveness of manager market

  5. 论全球化背景下的出版职业经理市场建设

    On the Market Construction of Professional Publishing Manager in the Background of Globalization

  6. 论企业经理市场化

    Study on the Market Mechanism of Business Manager

  7. 论内部经理市场的构建

    The Research of Construction For Interior Manager Market

  8. 职业经理市场需求预测模型

    Discussing Professional Manager Market Demand Predicting Model

  9. 职业经理市场对职业经理的需求来自于企业的国内与国外经营的需要。

    The demand of a professional manager market comes from the enterprises home and abroad .

  10. 经理市场与产品市场

    Managerial Labor Market and Product Market

  11. 企业经理市场及其激励约束机制

    Entrepreneur market and encouraging constraint mechanism

  12. 职业经理市场供给的探讨

    Discussion on professional manager market supply

  13. 出于职业生涯考虑,企业家的投资行为可能偏重于提高经理市场的评价而远离股东利益最大化的目标。

    The behavior of entrepreneurs on investment may deviate from the shareholders ' optimal interest based on their career concerns .

  14. 缺乏职业经理市场,招才、引才的公司力度有限;

    3 , lack occupation The Manager 's market , just recruit , the company dint degree leading just is limited ;

  15. 在内部激励约束机制容易失衡的情况下,经理市场的隐性激励约束效应是对企业内部显性激励约束机制有效的外在补充。

    On condition that the inner incentive restraint mechanism is unbalanced , the effectiveness of manager market is an effective complement .

  16. 从外部来看,中国尚未建立起发育完全、运作规范的股票市场,经理市场尚未形成。

    Outside , China has not set up a developed and running normatively stock market and the managers market has not developed yet .

  17. 以完善资本市场、经理市场、独立董事制度、商业银行(债权人)四大作用机制作为约束机制的核心要素。

    The main elements to restrictive mechanism is to perfect capital market , manager market , independent director policy , commercial bank ( creditor ) mechanism .

  18. 股票期权制度作为推动职业经理市场发展,激励在职高级管理人员的一种有效方式,正逐步在我国企业中推广应用。

    Stock option , as an effective method to promote the development of professional managers market and to encourage executives in higher position , is gradually popularized in China .

  19. 从基金业绩来源的角度看,这些差别很大程度上是由于各个基金经理市场时机选择能力不同所导致的。

    In view of the sources of funds performances , these differences , to a large extent , are caused by fund managers ' different capacities in timing ability .

  20. 通过对企业激励机制的分析,指出当且仅当不同企业所属的产品市场不存在相关性时,经理市场才没有任何作用;

    This paper points out that only and if only there exists no covariance between the products of the different firms , will the managerial labor market lose any function .

  21. 同时,充分发挥经理市场、资本市场以及银行的市场选择作用,以建立完善的企业外部监督体系。

    We should give full play to manager 's market , capital market and banks ' choose function , in order to set up the perfect external supervision system of enterprises .

  22. 另一方面,经理市场的存在使得委托代理合约均衡中的最优剩余索取权分配变得更加有利于委托人而不是代理人。

    We also argued that a developed manager 's market will be favorable to the benefits of principals and the equilibrium of incentive contract is also influenced by the agents'risk aversion .

  23. 在国有企业公司治理中,经营者的选择十分重要,董事会与企业经营者之间的关系核心是剩余控制权和索取权的研究,本文认为完善的职业经理市场可以促进国有企业经营者提高其最优努力水平。

    The key problem between the board and the managers is controlling power and extortion . A perfect market of professional managers is advantageous to impel the managers of the state-enterprises to try their uttermost effort .

  24. 要通过强化产权约束、培育经理市场、建立独立董事制度和加强中介机构的监督等方面对内部人控制进行控制。

    So it is necessary to consolidate the restraint of property rights , to cultivate manager market , to establish independent boarding system and to reinforce the supervision of the medium agency in order to dominate insiders control .

  25. 为此,要通过对国企准确定位,区分不同类型的经营者,政府主动“淡出”选拔过程与相机干预相结合,发挥机构投资者的作用及发展完善的经理市场来加以优化。

    To solve these problems , which need precise orientation of state-owned enterprises , distinguish of different kinds of operators , active exit from selection with intervening timely , exert the function of institutional investment , and boost manager market .

  26. 经理市场的双重隐性激励约束效应,在一定程度上减少了所有者的非经济行为和经营者的机会主义行为,并降低了企业的代理成本和约束成本,完善了企业委托代理关系。

    The dual implicit incentive restraint effectiveness of manager market decreases the no economic behaviors of proprietors and the opportunist behaviors of administrators , and cuts down the cost of agent and restraint , and perfects the relation between principal and agent .

  27. 董事会监督、大股东和机构投资者、敌意接管、经理市场、经理持股、经理报酬计划、负债杠杆和股利政策、利益相关者共同治理组成了公司治理机制。

    The corporate mechanism includes the supervision of the board of director , large shareholders and institution investors , hostile take-over , the market of managers , managers as shareholder , reward plan , debt lever and dividend policy , and the stakeholders .

  28. 本文分析了风险投资基金规避委托代理风险的一些制度安排:分权、采用分阶段投资策略、加强对企业的控制和监管、构造有效的激励机制、完善基金市场和经理市场。

    This article analyzed several system arrangements for venture capital to avoid agency risk : decentralizing , adopting the investment strategy stage by stage , strengthening the control and monitor of enterprises , establishing effective incentive mechanism , improving fund market and manager market .

  29. 针对这些障碍,本文提出了一些行之有效的措施,在外部治理方面,本文分析了竞争的市场体系尤其是产品市场、经理市场、资本市场(控制权市场)对经营者的激励和监督作用。

    To these obstacles , some effective advice is given . On the side of exterior governance , the thesis analyzes the incent and supervise on managers of competed market system , especially of merchandise , manager and capital market ( control rights market ) .

  30. 通过进一步深化国有企业改革、完善现代企业制度,规范公司的治理结构,发展资本市场和经理市场等来完善企业的经营环境。

    The suggestion on perfection of business environment for enterprise includes the following aspects : further deepen the reform on state-owned enterprise and consummate the system of modern enterprise , normalize the management structure of enterprise , develop the capital market and manager talent market .