
jīnɡ jì yì wù
  • economic duty;economic obligation
  1. 经济法律责任是指在国家干预和调控社会经济过程中因主体违反经济法律、法规而依法应承担的否定性、单向性、因果性经济义务。

    Legal liabilities for economy is negative , one-way and causality economic duty that subject should bear against economic laws in the course of governmental intervention , adjustment and control in society economy .

  2. 好公民应履行他所有的经济义务。

    A good citizen performs all his financial obligations .

  3. 在离婚或者分居的情况下,由配偶的一方支付给另一方的用于履行由婚姻引起的经济义务的金钱。

    In a divorce or separation , the money paid by one spouse to the other in order to fulfill the financial obligation that comes with marriage .

  4. 作为回报,银行应承担起帮助重振实体经济的义务。

    Banks should be obliged in return to help reinvigorate the real economy .

  5. 保护区没有发展当地经济的义务。

    The nature reserves have not the duty to develop the local economy .

  6. 经济发达地区义务教育财政支出绩效评价的实践及思考

    The Practice and Thinking of Financial Expenditure on Compulsory Education and its Performance Evaluation in Developed Areas of China

  7. 择校权利的实现依赖于经济条件、义务教育的普及程度、法制的完备。

    The realization of the right of choosing school depends on economic conditions , the extent of universal compulsory education and development of legal system .

  8. 在实际的分配过程中,市场负责部分合作剩余的分配。剩下的合作剩余,经济权利和义务,以及机会都需要组织按照计划来分配。

    In the actual distribution process , market mechanism deals with the distribution of a part of cooperation surplus and planning mechanism deals with the rest of objects of economic distribution .

  9. 婚姻要成功,因素实在太多&对彼此大家庭的责任、爱、感激、经济上的义务、家务劳动、孩子的教育等等。

    It takes so many things for a marriage to succeed & duties to each other 's extended families , affection and appreciation , financial obligation , housework and children 's education .

  10. 有的两地合作仅仅是名义上的,产业转出地不投入资金,也不承担任何经济责任和义务。现有的行政壁垒,依然对产业转移的健康发展形成了干扰。

    Some cooperation is just nominal , both industry turned out not to invest capital , also does not undertake any economic responsibilities and obligations . The existing administrative barriers for the healthy development of the industry transfer still formed the interference .

  11. 功利主义,自由主义,按需分配原则主要处理合作剩余的分配。平等主义,罗尔斯,以及按应得进行分配的原则不仅涉及合作剩余的分配,还处理经济权利和义务的分配。

    The principle of utilitarianism , liberalism and need focus on the distribution of cooperation surplus , while the principle of egalitarian , Rawls and deserve not only focus on cooperation surplus but also on the right , duty as well as opportunity .

  12. 购买者没有公开个人经济情况的法律义务。

    Buyers have no legal obligation to disclose personal financial information .

  13. 离婚经济帮助属于法定义务,是由前婚姻行为产生的法律义务。

    Financial assistance is a statutory obligation which derives from former marriage .

  14. 摆脱经济负担、社会义务。

    Disencumber oneself of financial responsibilities , social commitments .

  15. 国家对经济困难地区实施义务教育的经费,予以补助。

    The state shall subsidize those areas that are unable to introduce compulsory education because of financial difficulties .

  16. 我国经济欠发达地区义务教育阶段贫困生救助问题研究

    A Study of the Financial Aid to Poor Students at the Stage of Compulsory Education in the Economically Under-developed the Area

  17. 甚至在公路产业中的行政审判时,对公路经济行政主体权利义务认识也存在不一致性。

    The central point at issue is indeterminacy of the rights and duties of the body of economic administration of highway .

  18. 随着我国社会的日益开放,以及市场经济的深入,义务教育阶段教师流动日益频繁。

    In the wake of increasingly opening and deepening market economy in our society , the compulsory education period teachers moved more frequently .

  19. 它不是义务教育,又区别于普通教育。西部地区义务教育不均衡现状的成因:区域经济发展失衡造成义务教育阶段教育资源配置失衡;教育政策偏斜加剧义务教育失衡。

    It 's neither compulsive education nor universal education . The current situation of the compulsive education in western area : China has had the educational basis of the balanced education .

  20. 他说,美联储拥有“国会几乎完全不理解的邪恶力量,它可以印制数万亿美元的纸币注入经济,且没有义务透露谁是最终受益者。”

    The Fed has " ominous powers that Congress barely understands , " he says . " Trillions of dollars can be created and injected into the economy with no obligation by the fed to reveal who benefits . "

  21. 教育产权理论、规模经济和范围经济理论是义务教育资源配置的理论基础。

    Educational property rights theory , Economies of Scale and Economies of Scope are looked on as the base of the theory on resource allocation of compulsory education .

  22. 经济法责任作为经济权利、经济义务实现的保障机制,在整个经济法基础理论中占有十分重要的位置,是经济法目的实现的最后一道屏障。

    As the ensuring mechanism of realizing economic rights and obligations , economic law liabilities is very important in the basic theories of economic law .

  23. 本文认为,家庭中两性经济关系是由家庭两性经济权利和经济义务构成的;平等的家庭两性经济关系是家庭幸福、社会和谐的基础。

    The paper holds that equal and harmonious relationship between husband and wife in the family economy is the basis of the happy family and the harmonious society .

  24. 其他人则辩称,印度这样的发展中经济体面对自身的深远经济挑战,没有义务帮助富有的欧洲人。

    Others argue that developing economies such as India have no business helping wealthy Europeans when they face their own profound economic challenges .

  25. 金融承认自身在经济危机中负有责任,愿意承担推动经济复苏的义务。

    The industry accepts its share of responsibility for its role in the economic crisis and its duty to be part of the recovery .

  26. 经济法责任是经济法主体对其违反经济法义务或者不当行使经济法规定的权利所应承担的法律后果。

    Economic law responsibility is the result that economic law main body should take on when they disobey the incumbency of economic law or improperly exert the rights economic law regulated .

  27. 经济法的法律调整方式具有附带极强经济性的义务性和主要事后性;

    The way of adjustment in economic law shows strongly economic duty and character of behindhand .

  28. 在深入剖析不同的债务义务的消灭过程中所产生的不同的经济利益的变动之后,得到负债是反映经济利益的现时义务的结论。

    After deep analysis of the extermination of different obligation duty produced by different economic benefits change , the conclusion is brought forward that accounting liabilities is the nonce duty of the economic benefits .

  29. 国际环境方面,我国与美国贸易摩擦日益抬头,当前世界经济面临经常收支失衡状况,要求中国在世界经济中承担更多义务的国际压力不断增强。

    International environment , China and America trade friction is rising , the current world economy faces often payment imbalances , requirements of China in the world economy to assume more obligations and international pressure increasing .

  30. 通过以上的分析,本文的基本结论如下:第一,经济领域中的分配的对象包括机会,合作剩余,经济权利和义务。

    First , the objects of economic distribution include economic opportunity , duty and right as well ass cooperation surplus .