
  • 网络Operation Management Decision
  1. 集装箱班轮公司经营管理决策方法研究

    Research on the Management Decision-Making Methods of Container Liner Corporation

  2. 集团化公路客运企业经营管理决策支持系统的研究

    Research of Group Highway Passenger Transport Enterprise Decision Support System

  3. 发电厂经营管理决策支持系统

    The power plant management management decision support system

  4. 基于网络的企业经营管理决策支持系统研究与应用

    Research on the Network-based Enterprise Operation and Management Decision Support System and Its Application

  5. 资源影子价格分析与经营管理决策

    The Shadow Prices and the Management Decision

  6. 目的评价口腔医院医疗工作质量,为医院经营管理决策提供依据。

    Objective To provide quantity basis for the forecast and decision making of hospital administration .

  7. 关于中小企业经营管理决策的会计行为研究

    Research Concerning Accounting Behaviors Of Management And Administration Decision In The Middle And Small & Sized Enterprises

  8. 因此,准确估算保险公司的承保能力才能正确把握风险控制的重点与策略,诊断公司管理中存在的弱点,为公司经营管理决策提供可靠的依据。

    Therefore , accurately estimating underwriting capacity of insurance company can correctly grasp the key of risk control .

  9. 在注水开发油藏中,当油藏达到高含水期时,确定剩余可采储量是油藏经营管理决策的重要依据。

    In water flooding reservoirs . after entering high water cut period , residual recoverable reserves is the important basis ol reservoir management .

  10. 资本市场的信息反馈与直接监督功能,有利于企业的经营管理决策和新兴产业的发展。

    The functions of information feedback and direct supervision of the capital market are conducive to efficient business management and development of new industries .

  11. 它是森林可持续性评价中的一个重要的关键指标,是区域森林经营管理决策的依据之一。

    Forest carrying capacity is an important and key index in evaluating forest sustainability and one gist of forest management and decision-making of a certain region .

  12. 为了适应组织的战略和经营管理决策要求提供有效的信息支持,对管理会计系统构建中的组织适应性问题研究,已成为无法回避的问题。

    To provide the information support for adapting organization strategy and management decision-making , the research of organization adaptability in management accounting system can not be avoided .

  13. 这些结论为我国的企业是否将企业资源用于慈善捐赠、承担社会责任提供经营管理决策参考。

    These conclusion , for our enterprise , to do or not to do charitable giving and social responsibility , provides a theoretical exploration and management decision-making reference .

  14. 而小股东较为分散,持股份额少,对公司经营管理决策影响力小,再加上信息方面的弱势,常常处于不利的被动地位,其享有的股东权益往往容易受到伤害。

    But due to dispersed and minor in shares , minority stock holders have little influence on company 's management . Insufficient information are also disadvantage for their rights .

  15. 会计监督的目的是防止会计信息失真,保证经营管理决策以及投资决策所需的信息。

    The purpose of accounting supervision is to prevent the lack of fidelity of accounting information and to ensure the correct information needed by management decision and investment decision .

  16. 为设备的集中操作提供了统一、方便、可靠的平台,而且为系统优化和经营管理决策提供了参考依据。

    It not only provides a unified , convenient , reliable platform for the Centralized operation , but also provides a reference for the system optimization and the management decision .

  17. 本文跳出公司或其所有人承担社会责任的固定思维,探讨上市公司真正的经营管理决策者在承担社会责任中所扮演的角色。

    Instead of the company or any of their people to bear the social responsibility of fixed thinking , listed companies of real managers in social responsibility in the role of .

  18. 风险是影响企业经营管理决策的重要因素,如何关注企业风险,实施有效的风险防范和应对,施行切实有效的风险管理,是企业必须面对的重要议题。

    Risk is important factors influencing enterprise management decision , concern enterprise risk , implement effective risk preparedness and response , imposed effective risk management , enterprises must face important issues .

  19. 企业的重大经营管理决策依靠管理层人员;而最终落实建设、服务任务靠的是广大的一线员工,这才是关键之所在。

    The major decision-making , management rely on management personnel to complete ; while the final completion of the construction , service tasks by the majority of the front-line employees , this is the crux .

  20. 对森林资源动态变化进行分析研究,有助于把握森林资源数量、质量及其结构分布的动态变化趋势,为森林资源经营管理决策提供支持。

    To analyze the dynamic changes of forest resources is helpful to grasp the changing trends of the quantity , quality and structure of distribution of forest resources , and offer support to forest resources management decision-making .

  21. 市场问卷调查和因子分析的方法能够了解消费者的市场需求动态,分析产品的综合竞争力,为经营管理决策提供可靠的理论依据。

    The method of factor analysis and questionnaire can help to understand the market demand tendency of consumers , analyze the competitive capacity of comprehensive products , and thus , offer a reliable theoretical basis for the management decision-making .

  22. 而治理失真的会计信息,保证经营管理决策及投资者所需的正确信息,在很大程度上要依靠与证券市场发展相适应的会计监管。

    But governing the false accounting information and satisfying the management decision-making and the investor , correct information must depends upon accounting supervision and management in the very great degree , which adapts to the development of the stock market .

  23. 本文通过对县级森林资源地理信息数据库的建立及应用研究,为今后县级林业部门提高工作效率、作出正确的森林经营管理决策、实现林业全面信息化管理等方面奠定了坚实的基础。

    Through the studies on establishment and application of forest resource geographic information database on county level . This paper is important and helpful for the forestry department in counties to make correct decision , enhance work efficiency and realize the informational management etc.

  24. 一个完善的商业企业决策支持系统不仅要能够将经营者从繁杂的商业信息整理分析中解脱出来,同时也要更准确有效的为其经营管理决策提供全面、科学的支持。

    A completely CDSS ( Decision Support System for Commercial corporation ) can not only break the operators away from the confusing collecting and analysis of the commercial information , also provide a fully and scientific support for the decision and management of business .

  25. 本文研究了基于网络的企业经营管理决策支持系统,该系统可以在网络环境下,为企业提供更加准确、全面、快捷的决策辅助信息,提高企业的决策水平,提升企业的核心竞争力。

    Network-based Enterprise Operation and Management Decision Support System is studied in the text . Through Internet and Intranet , it can provide more exact , entire and quick assistant decision information to decision-maker of enterprise , and improve the core competitions of enterprise .

  26. PDM和ERP作为CIMS中设计自动化分系统和经营管理与决策分系统的重要组成部分,它们是管理整个产品定义和产品生命周期的核心。

    As the important part of design automation sub system , management and strategy sub system in CIMS , RDM and ERP have come to be the key factor to manage the whole product definition and its lifetime .

  27. 作为设计自动化分系统和经营管理与决策分系统的重要组成部分,CAPP系统与ERP系统之间的信息集成对CIMS的应用和优化产品设计和制造过程有着十分重要的意义。

    As the important part of design automation sub system , management and strategy sub system in CIMS , The information integration between CAPP and ERP would show great practical significance to CIMS implementation , product designing and manufacturing process optimization .

  28. 采油厂油藏经营管理系统决策研究

    Research on Reservoir Management Systematic Decision for Oil Production Plant

  29. 建立了油藏经营管理优化决策模式。

    Found the mode of reservoir management optimized decision .

  30. 计算机经营管理和决策系统的总体设计

    Design of computer-based management and decision-making system