
  • 网络Pre-contract Obligations;precontractual liability
  1. 第一章是先合同义务的界定。

    The first one provides the definition of the pre-contract obligations .

  2. 而先合同义务的存在和违反是承担缔约过失责任的前提。

    The existence of pre-contract obligations and violation thereof are the premises of liabilities .

  3. 先合同义务理论的发展在某种意义上说正好反映了合同法本身的根本变革。

    The development of the theory reflects the reform of contract law .

  4. 基于先合同义务的合同效力补正义务

    The Redeeming Responsibility Based on the Efficacy of the Preceding Contract Obligation

  5. 本文主要讨论的是基于违反先合同义务的合同效力补正问题。

    This paper mainly discusses the redeeming responsibility based on the efficacy .

  6. 违反先合同义务的责任

    Liability for violating the pre-contract obligation On Trust

  7. 违反先合同义务的一方有过错;

    The fault of the party in breach ;

  8. 由于处于信息不对称的弱势地位,潜在受许人经常陷入特许陷阱,在缔约过程中,特许人违反先合同义务,造成潜在受许人信赖利益受损,特许人应当承担缔约过失责任。

    Because of the weak position , potential franchisee falls into frequently the special trap .

  9. 先合同义务因法律的直接规定而产生,是一种法定义务。

    Pre-contract obligation evolves directly from regulations .

  10. 第二部分:附随义务在合同义务群中的地位及与其他义务的区别,论述了附随义务与先合同义务、后合同义务及给付义务等的关系。

    Part two says something about difference between obligation followed and other obligations in contract .

  11. 在本部分,文章还针对我国《合同法》关于先合同义务、履行中附随义务和后合同义务的立法不足提出了建议。

    In this part suggestion about the legislation of the collateral duty is put forward as well .

  12. 缔约过失责任的构成要件:1、缔约一方有违反先合同义务的行为;

    Essentials of contracting failure responsibility : 1 . One party has the act violating pre-contract obligation ;

  13. 先合同义务具有一定的特殊性,与相关的合同义务既有联系又有区别。

    The prior-contract obligation has its own characteristics , both related and different from other duties of contract .

  14. 缔约过失责任的法律基础,是建立在诚实信用原则之上的先合同义务。

    The law base of contracting fault responsibility is the pre-contract obligation with the principle of honesty and credit .

  15. 先合同义务是安全和效率的重要保障,逐渐成为合同义务群中的一个重要组成部分。

    Pre-contract obligations , a safeguard of safety and efficiency , have gradually become an important part of the group of contractual obligations .

  16. 缔约信息义务属于先合同义务,保险缔约信息义务包括告知与保险人说明。

    The information-supplying duty includes the duty of disclosing of the insured and insurer 's accounting duty , either of which has its particular connotation .

  17. 通过对附随义务与先合同义务、后合同义务、给付义务、不真正义务等相关概念进行比较,进一步明确合同附随义务的含义。

    Several conceptions are compared with the incidental obligation of the contract , such as pre-contractual duty , post-contractual duty , delivery duty and so on .

  18. 本章还分析了劳动合同违约责任分别与违反合同订立前的先合同义务的缔约过失责任、违反合同关系消灭后的后合同义务责任的区别。

    In addition , chapter one also compares the liability of breach labor contract to the contracting fault liability of pre-contract obligation , and post-contract liability .

  19. 第三部分是本文的中心,笔者对要约邀请阶段存在先合同义务的法理基础作了一个系统全面的论述。

    The third part is the core of this article ; the author discusses comprehensively the legal basis on which pre-contract obligation exists in the offer-inviting stage .

  20. 保险人的说明义务在性质上是一种法定义务,也是一种附随义务和先合同义务。

    The insurer 's explanation duty is a kind of legal obligation on nature , which is one kind of additional obligation and ahead of the contract too .

  21. 第四部分,笔者又对要约邀请阶段的先合同义务的具体类型及所要承担的法律后果作了详细论述。

    In the fourth part , the specific types of pre-contract obligation in the offer-inviting stage and the corresponding legal consequences one has to bear are discussed in detail .

  22. 缔约过失责任是一方违背依诚实信用原则所生的先合同义务所应负的损害赔偿责任;

    The contracting fault responsibility is the responsibility for compensation to the damage borne on pre-contract liability of the parity that arising from its disobeying honest and trust principal ;

  23. 就合同效力而言,合同成立后,债务人负有给付义务、附随义务、先合同义务、后合同义务和不真正义务(对己义务)。

    As to the effectiveness of contract , the obligor should subject to performance obligation , subordinated obligation , pre-contract obligation , post-contract obligation and unreal joint obligation under an established contract .

  24. 因为,缔约过失责任的本质是违反先合同义务的法律后果,在合同的有效时,违反先合同义务的情形也可能存在,相应的缔约过失责任也应存在。

    Essentially , liability for contracting negligence is the legal consequence of breaking contract obligations . Since breach of precontract obligation may occur in valid contracts , relevant liability for contracting negligence may exist as well .

  25. 传统理论认为,合同缔约过程以要约的发出为其起点,只有在要约发出并生效之后,当事人之间才会产生先合同义务。

    Traditional theories say that the contracting process regards an offer as the " starting point ", and that only when an offer is delivered and effected , the pre-contract obligation will be produced between the parties .

  26. 缔约过失责任是指在合同订立过程中,因当事人一方违背依诚实信用原则所产生的先合同义务所应承担的对他人信赖利益损失的赔偿责任。

    The liability is that in the contract process , since a party disobeys the principles of honesty and credibility , the first contractual obligations is led to be assumed by the loss of interest to others trust liability .

  27. 总的来说,笔者主要从法的道德性考虑、诚实信用原则、法的公平正义理念及交易安全和效率这四个方面对要约邀请阶段承担先合同义务的法理基础进行了论述。

    In general , the author analyzes the legal basis mainly from four perspectives : moral consideration of the law , the principle of honesty , the just and righteous idea of the law , and the safety and efficiency of trade .

  28. 摘要在合同生效之前,当事人因故意或过失违反先合同义务,导致合同不成立、合同无效或被变更、撤销的,均应承担缔约过失责任。

    The party concerned , who disobeys precontractual obligations on purpose or by mistake before the contract goes into effect and results in the failure , effectiveness , change and cancellation of the contract , will take liability for culpa in contrahendo .

  29. 在期货纠纷的审理过程中主要涉及到两个法律问题,即缔约过失责任的认定问题和缔约过失责任的承担问题。缔约责任是先合同义务,一般存在于要约发生后,合同成立前阶段。

    Two main legal issues are involved in the trial of the futures disputes , that is , the issue of assertion of the liability for negligence in conducting futures broking contract and the issue of how to bear this liability for negligence .

  30. 先合同义务责任是不依附于、平行于侵权责任和违约责任的一种独立的制度和责任形式,它以诚实信用原则为基础,给缔约受害人以公平合理的救济。

    Pre-contract obligation , an independent system as well as form of obligation , is not associated with or parallel to the infringement liability and liability for breach of contract . Based on the principle of good faith , it provides reasonable relief for the victims .