
xiān zhàn
  • occupation;appropriation of ownerless property
  • preempt
  1. 作为一种领土取得方式,历史性权利与通过时效及先占取得领土主权有所不同。

    As a method of obtaining territory , historic rights have differences from prescription and occupation .

  2. 日本所谓依据先占原则将钓鱼岛作为无主地编入其版图,是侵占中国领土的非法行为,不具有国际法效力。

    Japan 's act to include Diaoyu Dao as terra nullius into its territory based on the occupation principle is in fact an illegal act of occupying Chinese territory and has no legal effect according to international law .

  3. 洁净水法案》明确规定,该法并不先占更为严格的州法律

    The Clean Water Act expressly provides that it does not preempt more stringent state law . 《

  4. 为了增进效能,我们提出了一种利用先占式资源达到高效能及死结避免的保留协定,简称DFRP2

    For improving performance , a novel algorithm , Deadlock-Free Reservation Protocol with Preempting resource ( DFRP2 ) , is proposed .

  5. 法定许可水权制度则是对传统先占水权制度的修正。

    Statutory water rights system is evolved from traditional prior appropriation .

  6. 专利竞赛理论中的ε-先占权模型评述

    The ε - preemptive Model in Patent Race : A Literature Review

  7. 先占的性质属于事实行为。

    The nature of possession in advance is the conduct of fact .

  8. 清单6中显示的样例代码可以启用先占式认证。

    Listing 6 shows sample code to enable preemptive authentication .

  9. 这就给机构就先占权事宜进行最初的裁决赋予了权力。

    This would give agencies " primary jurisdiction " over preemption matters .

  10. 那我们只能抢在别人前面先占了。

    Well , we had to be the first one to get there .

  11. 我国物权法确定先占制度若干问题研讨

    Disquisition on Property Law of Ascertaining System of Occupation

  12. 人们取得雨水的方式应该是先占,雨水收集人对雨水行使完全的所有权全能;

    The action of collecting rainwater is pre-empt ;

  13. 在立法权力的划分上则适用先占原则和附属原则。

    The principle of preemption and subsidiarity are adopted in the division of legislation .

  14. 一个有争议性的先占权问题也涉及到了核能。

    One controversial preemption issue involves nuclear energy .

  15. 但是我先占的。我把篮子放在上面的。

    Rachel : But I saved it . I put my basket on top .

  16. 先占是动产所有权原始取得的方式之一。

    Preoccupation is one of the primitive methods to gain the possession of movable property .

  17. 如果你先到了剧院,请帮我们先占几个好座位。

    Please bag some decent seats for us if you get to the theater first .

  18. 《洁净水法案》明确规定,该法并不先占更为严格的州法律。

    The Clean Water Act expressly provides that it does not preempt more stringent state law .

  19. 最可能发现先占权的领域或许是州际运输业。

    Perhaps the area in which preemption is most likely to be found is interstate transportation .

  20. 座位已给人家先占了。

    The seats have been preoccupied .

  21. 先占制度起源于罗马法,是所有权的原始取得方式之一。

    Preoccupation system originated from Roman law , is one of primitive acquisition mode of ownership .

  22. 最高法院已经宣布了先占权案例中必须被考虑的各种各样的因素。

    The Supreme Court has set forth various factors which are to be considered in preemption cases .

  23. 他的座位已被别人先占了。

    His seat had been-pied .

  24. 经常产生先占权问题而又与运输有关的一个领域与机场噪音有关。

    One transportation-related area in which preemption problems have arisen with some frequency relates to airport noise .

  25. 随着时间的发展,用水需求不断变化,先占水权制度也逐渐进化为现代的许可制。

    With the development of water demands , the prior appropriation system evolves into the modern permit system .

  26. 秘密行动时?进行方向的先占的总统的政策目标或达到我们的威胁。

    Conducting covert action at the direction of the President to preempt threats or achieve US policy objectives .

  27. 本文从产业组织角度分析了几种主要的中期策略性行为,包括:空间先占权与产品扩散策略、预告产品信息、需求结构锁定策略、提高对手成本和过度生产能力投资。

    Product preannouncements ; locking the demand structure ; raising rivals ' costs and excessive production capacity investment .

  28. 这种不愿意使用先占权的做法是有意义的,因为机构能随时采用明确的先占权法令。

    This reluctance to infer preemption makes sense , because the agency can readily adopt an express preemption regulation .

  29. 例如,联邦法律可以明确的先占,或明确的取消州法律的先占。

    For example , federal statutes might explicitly preempt , or explicitly waive any preemption of , state law .

  30. 所以,法院就没有更多的理由,在涉及到机构的规章时,去大肆运用先占权的原则。

    Hence , there is less reason for courts to apply preemption doctrines expansively when agency regulations are involved .