
  • 网络dinglicher Anspruch
  1. 物权请求权与诉讼时效制度的适用

    Claim of Right in Rem and the Application of Action Limitation

  2. 物权请求权的性质定位

    On the Nature of the Claim based on Real Right

  3. 对物权请求权法律制度的几点思考

    Some Reflections on the Right of the property claim in the Law

  4. 对物权请求权类型的再认识

    Further Understanding of Types of Petition Right of Real Right

  5. 试论物权请求权研究之意蕴

    Significance of Research on the Right of Property Claim

  6. 物权请求权中的过错因素

    The Fault Element in the Claims of Real Rights

  7. 物权请求权是一种独立类型的请求权。

    Claim of right in rem should be a type of independent claim .

  8. 第二部分物权请求权诉讼时效适用的价值分析。

    The right of the real claim limitation of action suitable value analysis .

  9. 物权请求权、债权请求权与债权关系的解析

    Relationship Among Right of Real Claim , Right of Obligatory Claim and Obligatory Right

  10. 其次,对物权请求权的类型进行了划定。

    Secondly , the part defines the types of the real right of claim .

  11. 对于物权请求权制度的基础理论和具体内容,大陆法系国家立法和学说存在一定的差异和分歧。

    There are many debates in basic theory of right of the real claim .

  12. 论物权请求权的功能

    On the Function of Claim of Real Right

  13. 物权请求权与消灭时效

    Right of The Real Claim and Extinctive Prescription

  14. 第二部分为基于所有权的物权请求权。

    Secondly , Ownership of property rights claim .

  15. 物权请求权不应适用诉讼时效

    The Application Right of Thing Right Should not be Applied by the Limitation of Action

  16. 物权请求权的正当性能够为考量物权请求权行使的限度提供充分依据。

    The justification of claims in rem provides solid foundation for the exercise of it .

  17. 物权请求权论

    On the Claim of Real Right

  18. 第五部分为我国物权请求权制度的立法现状和重新构建。

    Part Five , legislative situation and restructuring of right of real claim in China civil law .

  19. 物权请求权能否作为诉讼时效客体

    Study on whether Right of the Real Claim can become the Objects of the Limitation of Actions

  20. 所以,无论在理论上还是实践中,研究物权请求权制度都是非常必要的。

    Therefore , both in theory and in practice , research property rights claims system are very necessary .

  21. 对我国侵权责任体系的一点思考&试论物权请求权制度在我国的演变及其带来的问题

    Thoughts on China Tort Law System & The Evolution and the Problems of Real Claim System in China

  22. 因此,物权请求权模式具有更充分的存在理由。

    Therefore , the model of claim of the right is more convincing to be accepted for legislation .

  23. 建立独立的物权请求权较之侵权请求权对污染受害者更为有利。

    To establish separate right of real claim is more favorable for the pollution victims than the right of tortus claim .

  24. 实证法的考察表明,过错因素在物权请求权的成立及内容方面都起到了重要作用,有时甚至是不可或缺的。

    The fault element has played an important role in the establishment and the contents of the claims of real right .

  25. 肇始于德国的物权请求权,在被他国进行继受时遇到多种变形。

    The claim of real right originated from Germany is subject to various forms of adaptations when adopted by other countries .

  26. 物权请求权的独立价值,应该从物权的权利划分和物权本身的性质中去寻找。

    We should search the independent value of right of real claim in the partition and character of the real right .

  27. 物权请求权是大陆法系国家特有的物权法律制度,是物权法不可缺少的重要组成部分。

    Claim of real right is an essential part of Law of Real Right as a law system unique to Civil Law .

  28. 物权请求权作为一项对物权进行救济的请求权是否要受诉讼时效的调整,在我国学界一直是一个争论不休的问题。

    Whether the limitation of actions can apply to the right of the real claim is a controversial problem in our country .

  29. 德国、台湾法上,物权请求权虽然适用诉讼时效,但实际功效甚小。

    In the law of Germany and Taiwan , the application right of thing right is applied by the limitation of action .

  30. 更正登记请求权作为物权请求权,不适用消灭时效。

    As a type of property claims , the right to request the correction of registration does not apply to the extinctive prescription .