
  • 网络feed pump;FEED WATER PUMP;FWP
  1. 华能汕头发电厂1号、2号机组发生启动给水泵时锅炉主燃料跳闸(MFT)的事故。

    The boiler MFT ( master fuel trip ) protection was actuated during start up of feed water pump A of Unit 1 and 2 in Huaneng Shantou Power Plant .

  2. 开展给水泵状态预测的研究,提高给水泵运行的安全性、可靠性及状态维修,都具有重要的现实意义。

    It has important real signification to study the condition forecasting of feed water pump , advance the safety and reliability of operation of feed water pump and to develop condition maintenance to feed water pump .

  3. 鸡西B厂给水泵配置的热经济性方案比较

    Comparisons of thermal economical effect for different configurations of feed pump in Jixi B power plant

  4. 基于DSP的给水泵运行状态在线监测系统

    Running State Online Monitoring System for Feed Water Pump Based on DSP

  5. PLC在给水泵保护系统中的应用

    The Functions of PLC in Feed Pump Protection System

  6. DSP技术在给水泵运行状态监测仪中的应用

    Application of DSP Technology in The Running Status Monitoring Instruments for Feed-water Pump

  7. 介绍了一套采用PLC和变频器进行压力调节的多台给水泵变频控制方案。

    This paper introduces a project of multiple feed water pump controlled by VVVF and PLC .

  8. 基于DCS的给水泵防汽蚀系统研究

    Study on Cavitation Prevention System of Feedwater Pumps Based on DCS

  9. GC型与DG型锅炉给水泵应用比较

    Application Comparison Between GC Type and DG Type Boiler Feed Pumps

  10. 在DCS中实现调速给水泵安全区自动控制的分析

    Analysis on How to realize Safety Zone Automatic Control of Variable Speed Feed Water Pump in DCS System

  11. 电站给水泵组RCM定量分析方法的研究

    Quantitative RCM analyzing method for feed pump units in power plant

  12. 基于LS-SVM的火电厂给水泵组状态趋势预测研究

    Research on State Trend Prediction of Boiler Feed Pumps Based on LS-SVM

  13. 在此基础上,进一步提供了更为正确的给水泵最大动态汽蚀余量△h(max)的计算方法。

    In addition , this paper provides the calculating method of the maxium dynamic NPSH ( Net Positive Suction Head ) for the suction of feed pump .

  14. 300MW机组给水泵RB工况的处理及分析

    Analysis and improvement of runback process of feedwater pump for 300 MW generating unit

  15. 国产300MW机组给水泵的调试

    Start-up Test of Feedwater Pump in Domestic made 300 MW Unit

  16. 此外,进行了锅炉给水泵振动试验系统的设计和软件开发,提出并成功的开发出了基于VC++和MATLAB混合编程思想的锅炉给水泵在线采集和振动信号离线分析的振动试验系统。

    A new programming technology combining VC + + with MATLAB is presented by which the vibration monitoring system of boiler feed water pump is developed successfully to perform data analysis after on-line acquisition .

  17. 某电厂给水泵切换导致锅炉MFT事故分析

    Analysis of the Boiler MFT Fault Caused by Feed Pump Switching in a power plant

  18. 300MW机组汽动给水泵上水方式探讨

    Discussion of Feed Water Modes of Turbine Driven BFP in 300 MW Units

  19. 600MW机组给水泵组暖泵系统的优化

    Optimizations of Feed Pumps Warming System for MW Unit

  20. 给水泵Runback失败的原因分析

    Analysis on Causes of Failure of Runback of BFP

  21. 控制系统通过PLC调节变频器的输出,自动控制给水泵投入的台数和电机转速,实现闭环自动调节恒压供水。

    The control system regulates the output of VVVF by PLC , then controls the number of feed water pump and motor rotate speed automatically , achieves automatic regulating supply water in constant pressure by closed loop .

  22. 上汽300MW机组驱动给水泵用汽轮机的调节系统的调整及研究

    Commissioning And Research on Control System of Feedwater Pump-Driven Turbine of STW-Made 300 MW Turbine

  23. 为此,在对珠海发电厂汽轮机盘车结构和工作原理介绍的基础上,探讨了2号机组B汽动给水泵汽轮机运行时盘车异常的原因,并提出了改进建议。

    With the description of the structure and working principle of the turning for the feed pump turbines in Zhuhai Power Station , this paper analyzes the causation of the turning malfunction during the operation of Feed Pump Turbine B of Unit 2 .

  24. 针对一次未成功给水泵RB试验,分析与给水泵RB功能相关因素并探讨确保给水泵RB功能成功的方法。对于一些蓄热较大的锅炉实现给水泵RB功能有参考价值。

    In view of an unsuccessful feedwater pump RB test , the related factors are analyzed and the method to realize feedwater pump RB function is put forward .

  25. 基于APROS的锅炉给水泵汽轮机MEH仿真控制研究

    Simulation Research of MEH of Boiler Feedwater Pump Turbine Based on APROS

  26. REXA执行器在给水泵汽轮机MEH改造中的应用

    Application of REXA Actuator in MEH Retrofit for Feed Pump Turbines

  27. 600MW超临界机组给水泵密封水回收

    Sealing Water Recovery of Feed Water Pumps of a 600 MW Supercritical Power Generating Set

  28. 300MW空冷机组给水泵配置的研究

    Studies on the Proper Feed Water Pump Choice for Matching a 300 MW Air Cooled Unit

  29. 300MW机组启停过程中全程使用汽动给水泵的设计与优化

    Design and Optimization on Startup and Shutdown Mode of 300 MW Unit with Turbine-driven Feed Pump

  30. 600MW超临界机组汽动给水泵全程上水经济性分析

    Economical efficiency analysis of whole process water feeding by turbo-feed pump in 600 MW supercritical units