
  • 网络THE WALL
  1. 绝境长城高高地耸立在他们面前,在残月苍白的光芒照映下闪闪发亮。

    The Wall loomed before them , glimmering palely in the light of the half moon .

  2. 绝境长城以南没有冰原狼

    There are no direwolves south of the wall .

  3. 对于它们来说,这些摇摇欲坠的石头一定跟维斯特洛大陆上的绝境长城一样高耸。

    To them these tumbledown stones must loom as huge as the Wall of Westeros .

  4. 位于国王塔后方的绝境长城在月光下粼粼发光,庞大而神秘。

    Behind the King 's Tower , the Wall glimmered in the light of the moon , immense and mysterious .

  5. 寄身与小偷与强盗之间是需要一定的适应能力的,但是这里却有七国中最雄伟的绝境长城。

    Living amongst thieves and rapists requires a bit of adjustment , but you won 't find anything more spectacular than the Wall anywhere in the Seven Kingdoms .