
wéi xiū fèi
  • maintenance cost;maintenance expense;upkeep
  1. 买了房子也不是一劳永逸。想想房子的维修费(upkeepofthehome)。

    Think about the upkeep of the home .

  2. 我们必须付小教堂的维修费。

    We have to pay for the upkeep of the chapel .

  3. 他们缺少维修费。

    They lacked the wherewithal to pay for the repairs .

  4. 按租约的条款,你得支付维修费。

    Under the terms of the lease , you have to pay maintenance charges .

  5. 据说市政委员会一直在向其房管部支付过高的维修费。

    The council is said to have been overpaying for repairs made by its housing department

  6. 对以上三种冷藏方式从初投资、设备折旧和维修费以及能耗费几个方面进行了运行经济性分析,得出机械冷藏车的制冷费用比液体CO2冷藏车的高42%;轧钢机设备的密封

    This paper mainly analyzes the economy of those three ways of refrigeration from initial investment , depreciation and maintenance costs of equipment , and the cost of energy consumption . Seal of Equipment in Rolling Mill

  7. 针对此类事件,ABC将于收到书面报告的当月月底终止客户对此类产品相关的维修费支付义务。

    In this event , Customer 's obligation to pay service fees with respect to any such Product shall terminate at the end of the month in which ABC receives such written report .

  8. 一旦这些其它产品交付给客户,ABC将在其保修期截止前,将这些产品的维修费加入定期帐单。

    Upon delivery of such other Product to Customer , service fees for Service of such other Product shall be added to the billing cycle following expiration of the labor warranty on such other Product .

  9. 房地与设备的租金和维修费(包括水电费)

    Rental and maintenance of premises and equipment ( including utilities )

  10. 修理及支出费用免税额水利工程运行维修费

    Repair and outgoings allowance operation and maintenance cost of water project

  11. 小区共用设施维修费涵盖哪些维修项目?

    Area which covers maintenance of common facilities maintenance projects ?

  12. 房东付了房屋的维修费。

    The landlord pays for the upkeep of the house .

  13. 房地建筑、改建、装修和主要维修费

    Constructions , alteration , improvement and major maintenance of premises

  14. 丢失或损坏项目得到的维修费及更换费。

    Cost of any repairs and replacement of lost or damaged items .

  15. 它的主人付不起维修费。

    The family who owned it couldn 't afford the maintenance payment .

  16. 等间距大修机械设备维修费预测的一种新方法

    A new forecasting method on maintenance cost of equal repair-interval

  17. 她付了维修费以减轻内疚感。

    She pay the repair bill as a salve to her conscience .

  18. 装备维修费是我军装备保障经费的重要组成部分。

    Equipment maintenance cost is an important component of equipment support cost .

  19. 协助资本性支出和维修费的控制。

    Assist in capex and maintenance cost controls .

  20. 他们收了多少维修费?

    What do they charge for the repairs ?

  21. 同声传译设备的租金和维修费;

    Rental and maintenance of simultaneous interpretation equipment ;

  22. 公路施工中机械维修费的合理使用

    Rational Utilization of Machinery-maintenance Expenses in Highway Construction

  23. 之前的协议规定所有商家的每年技术维修费为6千元。

    The previous agreement had set the annual fee for all sellers at 6,000 yuan .

  24. 基于自适应遗传算法的总体舰船维修费分配

    On the distribution of total maintenance cost of warship based on the self-adaptive genetic algorithm

  25. 交通工具的租金和维修费

    Rental and maintenance of transportation equipment

  26. 除此之外,首相还要负担房子主体部分的维修费。

    In addition , the prime minister pays all the running costs of the main part of the house .

  27. 从经济效益的角度分析美国堪萨斯市动力照明公司(KCP&L)实现变电站实时在线监测系统的情况,涉及巡查人工费、维修费、设备投资费用、人身事故保险费和停电赔偿费等。

    The benefits by installing real-time monitoring systems in existing substations of Kansas City Power & Light , US are described .

  28. 服务承诺:顾客至上,服务周到,诚信服务,未修好一律不收维修费。

    Service commitment : customer first , courteous service , the integrity of service , not be repaired do not collect repair costs .

  29. “小车在售价,停车费和维修费方面都比大车便宜的多。”

    " Not only is the car cheap , but the parking and maintenance costs are much less than those of bigger cars . "

  30. 装备维修费在总量上越来越高,且与装备采购费相比,呈现出两高的趋势。

    Equipment maintenance costs at more and more on high-volume , showing a " two-high " trend , compared with the procurement of equipment .