
  • 网络virgin;virgin atlantic;Marussia-Virgin-Racing
  1. 这意味着联邦航空局可能会吊销维珍银河的飞行执照。

    That means that the FAA could suspend Virgin Galactic 's licence to fly .

  2. 在本周的事故发生之前,维珍银河似乎是最有可能开通常规航班的公司。

    Virgin Galactic had , prior to this week 's accident , seemed closest to starting regular flights .

  3. 维珍银河公司、监管机构和公众如何应对最近的这场悲剧,将决定私人太空旅行能否正式推出、需要多久。

    How Virgin Galactic , regulators and the public respond to this most recent tragedy will determine whether and how soon private space travel can transcend that playground .

  4. 去年在接受《经济学人》采访时,太空旅游公司维珍银河首席执行官乔治·怀特塞兹将自己的公司归入后一类。

    In an interview last year with The Economist , George Whitesides , chief executive of space-tourism firm Virgin Galactic , was placing his company in the latter category .

  5. 在受技术延误困扰多年后,维珍银河的创始人理查德·布兰森爵士最近表示,太空船二号最早将在2015年2月搭载第一批付费客户。

    After being dogged by technical delays for years , Sir Richard Branson , Virgin Galactic 's founder , had recently suggested that a SpaceShipTwo craft would carry its first paying customers as soon as February 2015 .

  6. 维珍想以“战略”游戏的名义推广《沙丘II》。

    Virgin wanted to market Dune II as a " strategy " game .

  7. 人们很快就意识到,维珍美国航空公司(VirginAmerica)是这一整个事件的幕后推手。

    People quickly realized that Virgin America was behind the whole thing .

  8. 这是否启发你写下了这本关于管理的书《维珍之路》(TheVirginWay)?

    Is that what inspired you to write this book on management , The Virgin Way ?

  9. 达美航空(Delta)谋求收购维珍大西洋航空(VirginAtlantic)之举可能是个天大的错误。

    Delta could be making a big mistake pursuing Virgin Atlantic .

  10. 布兰森的成功包括创建了维珍航空(VirginAtlantic)、维珍唱片(VirginMusic)和维珍活力(VirginActive)。

    Branson 's successful ventures include Virgin Atlantic , Virgin Music , and Virgin Active .

  11. 维珍美国航空公司(VirginAmerica)和维珍大西洋航空公司(VirginAtlantic)在T4;

    Virgin America and Virgin Atlantic are in terminal 4 ;

  12. 最近我前往墨西哥城,参加我们新创公司墨西哥维珍移动公司(VirginMobileMexico)的发布会。

    I headed to Mexico City recently to help launch our new company , Virgin Mobile Mexico .

  13. 我无法相信在维珍(Virgin)集团事情会有什么不同。

    I can 't believe it is any different at Virgin .

  14. 维珍集团CEO:理查德-布兰森

    Virgin Group CEO - Richard Branson

  15. 同时,维珍在英国的通信业务virginmedia正被美国的私人股本机构盯上。

    Meanwhile , virgin media , the UK communications business , is being stalked by US private equity houses .

  16. 维珍集团(VirginGroup)创始人理查德·布兰森(RichardBranson)拥有一家太空探索公司。

    Richard Branson , founder of the Virgin Group , owns a space exploration company .

  17. 在下可从没在办公室工作过,维珍集团(VirginGroup)的这位大胡子老总补充道,而且永远不会。

    Yours truly has never worked out of an office , added the bearded boss of the Virgin Group , and never will .

  18. 维珍的结构颇为独特,由350家风险资本、私人股本公司、virginmedia和一些上市公司组成。

    Virgin is a unique mix of 350 venture capital , private equity , and in virgin media , publicly-quoted companies .

  19. 今年早些时候BLAHAirlines(指维珍航空的广告中虚拟的一家航空公司,暗指其竞争对手)的病毒式营销就是一个很好的例子。

    The viral launch of BLAH Airlines earlier this year is a great example .

  20. 他旗下的维珍银河(virgingalactic)计划在2011年前为这艘宇宙飞船做好商业飞行的准备。

    His Virgin Galactic company aims to have the spaceship ready for commercial flights by 2011 .

  21. 实际上,媒体的正面报道一直是维珍(Virgin)品牌创建的关键途径。

    Indeed , positive appearances in the media have been a vital way of building the Virgin brand .

  22. 维珍澳洲航空公司(VirginAustralia)与澳洲航空公司(Qantas)的对决早有大量资料可循,而维珍大西洋航空公司(VirginAtlantic)与其竞争对手英国航空公司(BritishAirways)多年来的历史恩怨同样出名。

    Virgin Australia 's battles with Qantas are well-documented , as is Virgin Atlantic 's long-standing rivalry with British Airways .

  23. 5S管理在食品加工企业中的运用维珍果在食品加工业的应用

    The Application of 5S management in the Food Processing Corporation Hazelnuts in Food Processing

  24. 亚洲航空CEO托尼费尔南德斯是马来西亚人,他表示布兰森是他的导师,而在创办自己的廉价航空公司之前,他也曾在维珍航空工作过。

    Malaysian-born Fernandes , who described the Briton as his mentor , used to work for Branson before setting up his own budget airline .

  25. 俄罗斯亿万富翁,布鲁克林篮网队(BrooklynNets)老板米哈伊尔•普罗霍洛夫,以及特立独行的亿万富翁,维珍集团(VirginGroup)创始人理查德•布兰森,都对这项运动情有独钟。

    Russian billionaire and Brooklyn Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov apparently enjoys the sport as does the original extreme billionaire , Virgin Group founder Richard Branson .

  26. 根据其最新公布的数据,维珍在VirginMoney品牌下的金融服务业务的收入是1260万英镑,增长了50%。

    And Virgin 's financial services businesses , under Virgin Money , showed earnings of 12.6m , up 50 per cent , according to their last reported accounts .

  27. 高调的维珍(virgin)财团在并购境况不佳的英国抵押贷款银行北岩(northernrock)时,为何需要一家低调香港投资公司的帮助呢?

    Why does the high-profile virgin consortium bidding to acquire Northern Rock , the ailing UK mortgage lender , require the presence of a low-key Hong Kong-based investment firm ?

  28. 该项目的赞助者名单上,包括阿里巴巴集团CEO马云、脸书CEO马克·扎克伯格、惠普的梅格·惠特曼以及维珍集团的理查德·布兰森。

    Among the list of backers are Alibaba CEO Jack Ma , Mark Zuckerberg ofFacebook , Meg Whitman of HP and Virgin Group 's Richard Branson .

  29. 在欧洲,维珍大西洋(VirginAtlantic)允许无限的数据连接,但只允许六个人同时打电话。

    In Europe , Virgin Atlantic allows unlimited data connections , but it lets only six people talk on a cellphone at once .

  30. 维珍银河公司隶属于理查德•布兰森爵士(SirRichardBranson)的维珍集团(VirginGroup),该公司表示顺桨装置的锁定机构代表了两个不同的保障措施。

    Virgin Galactic , which is part of Sir Richard Branson 's Virgin Group , said the locking mechanism for the feathers represented two separate safeguards .