
  • 网络friendship bridge
  1. 在江对岸,漆黑的夜幕中,只透出点点微光发光的是低瓦数的灯泡,和在友谊桥上缓缓驶向灯火通明的中国城市丹东的几辆卡车的前灯。

    On the opposite bank of the river , inky darkness is broken only by two faint points of light from low-wattage bulbs and the headlights of a handful of trucks , trundling over the friendship bridge into the brightly-lit Chinese city of Dandong .

  2. 友谊桥滑坡每年雨季时常造成断道,严重地威胁公路的运营和口岸通道的开发。

    Youyiqiao landslide endangers severely highway especially during rainy season every year and influents the development of port passage .

  3. 友谊桥滑坡位于中尼公路樟木口岸至国界友谊桥之间,中尼公路(中国境内)最末尾一段。

    Youyiqiao landslide is located at the last section which is the region between Zhangmu and Youyiqiao along China-Nepal Highway in China .

  4. 根据地貌形态、坡体结构以及坡体稳定性等因素综合分析,友谊桥滑坡为一处巨型的古滑坡。

    Based on the analysis of landform , structure of land body and stability of slope , it can draw a conclusion that Youyiqiao landslide is a giant ancient landslide .

  5. 友谊之桥永不磨灭!

    The soul of friendship will never die !

  6. 真诚是通向友谊的桥。

    Sincerity is the bridge to friendship .

  7. 你有没有无意中让友谊之桥轰然倒塌,并发现需要一段很长的时间来重修旧好?

    Have you ever burned a bridge unintentionally , and found that it takes a long , long time to repair the relationship ?

  8. 因为这种关系已经被伤害,在极端的情况下你可能甚至会说你和你的朋友之间的友谊之桥已经轰然倒塌。

    Since the relationship has been hurt , in extreme cases you might even say the bridge has been burned between you and your friend .

  9. 中国将举全国之力,集世界智慧,将上海世博会打造成一座世界人文交流的友谊之桥。

    We will marshal the full resources of the country and pool the wisdom of the whole world to make the Expo a bridge of friendship and exchanges among people across the globe .

  10. 友谊就象一座桥,有了友谊,我们的生活会更加精彩!

    Friendship is a bridge ; our life will be more fascinating with the bridge .

  11. 刚才,我说到我们希望同欧洲朋友一道,在亚欧大陆架起一座友谊和合作之桥。

    As I just said , I hope to work with our European friends , to build a bridge of friendship and cooperation across the Euro-Asian continent .

  12. 这意味这他将在8月9日切尔西对凯尔特人的季前友谊赛回到斯坦福桥。而下赛季他将和他的俱乐部直接参加欧洲冠军联赛。

    That means he could be back at Stamford Bridge on august9th for the Chelsea v Celtic pre-season friendly , and will go straight into the UEFA Champions League group stage with his club .