
  • 网络Youhao;Youhao District
  1. 首先是投资环境优势,中国与东盟国家的政治关系友好,为区内投资奠定了坚实的基础。

    Firstly , a favorable political relationship between China and ASEAN countries provides a solid foundation for regional investment .

  2. 《规划》明确提出加强生态环境保护与建设,将环境保护?生态建设作为经济区全面发展的一部分,推进资源综合利用,着力建设资源节约型、环境友好型经济区。

    The plan clearly proposes that , strengthening ecological protection and construction of environmental protection , and putting economic zone of ecological construction as part of overall development , and promote comprehensive utilization of resources , focus on building resource-saving and environment-friendly economic zones .