
  • 网络FRIENDSHIP PASS;Friendship Gate;Huu Nghi Quan
  1. 友谊关以白纹伊蚊为优势种,容器指数为7.54%;

    Aedes albopictus is the domination species at the Friendship gate port and the container index is 7.54 % .

  2. 文章以广西南宁友谊关高速公路加铺沥青路面改造工程为依托,介绍了TLA改性沥青TLA掺量的确定及制作方法;

    Friendship With the asphalt pavement improvement works in Nanning to Youyiguan Expressway as an example , the Paper introduces how to determine the TLA modified asphalt dosage and the production method for mixture .

  3. 场地书写&广西友谊关博物馆设计中的地形学策略

    Place-Writing : Topography Strategy in the design of Guangxi Youyi-Guan Museun

  4. 〔方法〕在广西友谊关口岸对558名来华外籍人员进行现场不记名问卷调查。

    Methods 558 objects were surveyed by questionnaire at the Guangxi Youyiguan frontier port .

  5. 基于灰色理论的南宁-友谊关高速公路膨胀土堑坡滑坍预测研究

    The Forecast of Landslide Based on Gray Theory at the Expansive Soil Cut Slope of Nanning-Youyiguan Highway