
  • 网络comprehensive interpretation
  1. 储层地震属性优化及属性体综合解释

    The Optimization of Reservoir Seismic Attributes and the Comprehensive Interpretation of Attribute-body

  2. 胜利油气区油气层综合解释

    Oil gas zone comprehensive interpretation in Shengli oil gas area

  3. 在众多领域GIS都得到了广泛的应用,但GIS应用于海洋研究还相对较少,尤其在海底地形地貌的综合解释方面,还是一片空白。

    GIS is applied to many domains , but it 's less in oceanography domain , especially in benthonic terrain integrative decipher .

  4. NEWS油藏综合解释系统(NEWS系统)是基于Linux操作系统的、支持油气勘探开发领域多学科综合解释的油气藏综合解释软件系统。

    NEWS integrated reservoir interpretation system ( abb . NEWS system ) is a software package designed for integrated interpretation of multidisciplinary oil & gas data based on Linux .

  5. 地震综合解释技术在WZ地区的应用

    Application of Comprehensive Seismic Interpretation Technique in WZ Area

  6. 作者在本文中阐述了在Sun工作站上研制开发的油气藏综合解释系统(Express),它主要包括工区及数据管理、地震解释、测井解释和地质绘图等四部分。

    The paper briefly introduces the development of the Express System , which includes the Project and Data Management , the Seismic Interpretation , the Log Interpretation and the Geology Mapping in Solaris environment on Sun UltraSPARC Workstation .

  7. 在当代石油勘探中,声测井、垂直地震剖面(VSP)以及地震勘探的联合应用与综合解释正变得日益重要。

    The integrated application and interpretation among sonic log , vertical seismic profile ( VSP ) and seismic survey are becoming more and more important for oil and gas exploration .

  8. GMES交互解释系统采用CAI技术,能够较大地提高地球物理资料综合解释的判断能力和效率。

    The latest version of the GMES interactive interpretation system , based on CAI technique , is able to enormously improve the efficiency and judgement in the integrated interpretation of geophysical data .

  9. CRIS储层描述综合解释系统是一个具有多种储层信息提取、储层参数反演和油气综合预测等功能的人机交互储层解释软件系统,该系统目前已开始在大庆油田应用于生产。

    CRIS & Combined Reservoir Interpreting System is a man machine interaction interpreting system about a reservoir . The software system possesses many functions , such as multi reservoir information abstraction , reservoir parameter inversion and combined oil gas prediction .

  10. 海陆联测的大地电磁数据处理与综合解释

    Processing and Integrated Geophysical Interpretation of Land-Sea Synchronously-Observed Magnetotelluric Sounding Data

  11. 地震综合解释技术在地层超覆圈闭研究中的应用

    Application of Integrated Seismic Interpretation Technique in Studying Stratigraphic Overlap Trap

  12. 聚驱井含水率特征曲线在示踪剂综合解释技术中的应用

    Application of Polymer Flooding Water Cut Curve in Tracer Interpretation Technology

  13. 文学的诗性综合解释方法的理论价值

    Theoretical Value of " Integrated Poetic Interpretative Approach " to Literature

  14. 声波-伽马密度测井综合解释方法研究及应用

    On MAK - ⅱ Gamma Density Logs and Their Applications

  15. 水淹层测井综合解释及水淹特性研究

    On Conventional Log Interpretation of Water Flooded Layer and Water Flooded Characteristics

  16. 处理并分析和解释常规测井资料并进行了综合解释。

    Process , analyze and integrated interpret well logging data .

  17. 隧道工程物探方法结果的综合解释

    The integrated interpretation on the results of the geophysical method for tunneling

  18. 单井录井资料综合解释与评价系统

    The System of the Comprehensive Explanation and Evaluation based on Log Data

  19. 重力、地震联合反演基岩密度及综合解释

    Basement density inversion using gravimetric and seismic data and the integrative interpretation

  20. 最后给出了地震、测井资料综合解释实例。

    Finallyexamples of integrated interpretation of seismic and logging data are given .

  21. 地震剖面自动识别综合解释技术的应用

    The Application of Automatic Recognition and Synthetic Interpretation System about Seismic Section

  22. 国际关系大理论与综合解释模式

    Grand Theories of International Relations and the Synthetic Explanation Model

  23. 建立水淹模式库,并应用于水淹层测井资料的综合解释。

    We apply it to the synthetic interpretation on watered-out log data .

  24. 运用多种方法综合解释川东构造断陡带

    Comprehensive interpretation of steep faulted zones in east Sichuan region

  25. 注硼中子寿命测井综合解释技术研究与应用

    Research and Application of Comprehensive Interpretation Technology for Boron-injected Neutron Lifetime Logging

  26. 海南8块测井资料综合解释与评价

    The Synthetic Log Interpretation and Evaluation of Hainan 8 Block

  27. 过套管电阻率测井资料综合解释方法研究

    Research for integrated interpretation method on cased hole formation resistivity logging data

  28. 本文强调了利用解释工作站进行三维综合解释的重要性。

    The paper underlined the importance using interpretation workstation for 3-D integrative interpretation .

  29. DDL-PL生产测井资料综合解释系统及应用

    DDL PL Comprehensive Logging Interpretation System and Its Application

  30. 地震综合解释及油气预测;

    Seismic comprehensive interpretation and oil / gas prediction ;