
  • 网络Comprehensive diagnosis;integrated diagnostics
  1. 一种维持使用寿命的综合诊断虚拟测试平台

    An Integrated Diagnostics Virtual Test Bench for Life Cycle Support

  2. 美国军队武器装备维护中的综合诊断

    Integrated Diagnostics Applied in the Weapon System Supports in the US Army

  3. 目的研究CT、MRI、PET在肺部球形病灶中的综合诊断价值。

    Objective To study the comprehensive diagnostic value of solitary pulmonary nodules with CT , MRI and PET .

  4. 资料与方法选取经病理或临床综合诊断为原发性肝细胞癌且有中上腹部淋巴结转移的患者116例进行研究,所有病例均经螺旋CT扫描仪进行腹部增强扫描。

    Materials and Methods 116 cases of HCC , with upper and middle abdominal LNM identified by surgically procedure or CT imaging criteria were analyzed retrospectively . All patients were underwent enhanced spiral CT scanning .

  5. 高速线材轧机齿轮箱典型故障的CTN综合诊断

    The Comprehensive Diagnosis of Gear-box Typical Fault in the High Speed Wire Rolling Mill

  6. 舰船电子装备综合诊断中的IETM设计与应用技术研究

    Research on IETM Design and Application Technology Used in Integrated Diagnose for Warship Electronic Equipment

  7. 结论:外生型肝癌的诊断主要依靠临床表现、AFP、CT、肝动脉造影及病理进行综合诊断;外生型肝癌的介入治疗是一种有效的治疗方法。

    Conclusion : Diagnosis of extrahepatic growing hepatocellular carcinoma mostly rely on comprehensive diagnosis based on clinical manifestations , AFP , CT , hepatic arteriography and pathological diagnosis , interventional treatment of them is an effective procedure .

  8. 结论糖尿病肌梗死的诊断是基于临床表现和MRI检查的综合诊断。

    Conclusion The diagnosis of diabetic muscle infarction should be based on the clinical presentations and MRI outcome , but when the diagnosis is uncertain , we should use the needle biopsy to confirm the diagnosis at an early time .

  9. 结论:MRU是无创性确诊小儿泌尿道畸形疑难病例的理想手段,必须强调在全面对比分析MIP图像、原始图像、T2加权轴位像以及在监视器荧屏上三维旋转时的所见后进行综合诊断。

    Conclusion : MRU is an ideal modality for the diagnosis of difficult podiatric cases with congenital malformation of the urinary tract . The value of source images is emphasized , which should be used in combination with MIP images .

  10. 拉深模试冲故障模糊综合诊断系统的研究

    Research of the fuzzy colligate diagnose system failure on drawing die

  11. 五缸柱塞泵故障模糊综合诊断方法的研究

    Quinary plunger pump fault diagnosis based on fuzzy set theory

  12. RD&1型牙病综合诊断仪的研制及应用

    Development and application of RD-1 type dental disease diagnostic apparatus

  13. 复杂设备的模糊综合诊断理论及算法

    The Theory and Algorithm of Fuzzy Comprehensive Diagnosis for Complex Equipment System

  14. 汽车发动机连杆故障的综合诊断技术

    Synthetic Diagnosis of Failures for Automobile Engine Connecting Rod

  15. 油液监测综合诊断方法在发动机失效分析中的应用

    Application of comprehensive diagnosis method of oil monitoring to analysis of engine failure

  16. 总胆管阻塞性病变的影像综合诊断

    Imaging Diagnosis of Obstructive Diseases in Common Bile Duct

  17. 双重食管癌的综合诊断

    Comprehensive diagnosis for multiple primary carcinoma of esophagus

  18. 多神经网络与证据理论融合的变压器故障综合诊断方法研究

    Study on Synthetic Diagnosis Method of Transformer Fault Using Multi-neural Network and Evidence Theory

  19. 煤粉炉锅炉效率综合诊断及高温腐蚀分析

    The Diagnosis of Efficiency of Pulverized Coal-fired Boiler and Analysis of High Temperature Corrosion

  20. 凝汽器真空偏低问题的综合诊断及治理

    Diagnosis and treatment of extra low-vacuum of condenser

  21. 油井集散控制系统泵工况的模糊综合诊断

    Fuzzy Synthetic Diagnosis of Working Pump 's Condition in Oil Field Distributed Control System

  22. 径向剪切干涉法综合诊断光束质量研究

    Laser beam quality diagnosis with radial shearing interferometry

  23. 提高装备战备完好性的新举措&综合诊断

    Integrated Diagnostics & A New Method to Improve the Combat Readiness Rate of Equipment

  24. 北疆北部一次强对流天气爆发机制的综合诊断分析

    The Synthesis Diagnosis of a Strong Convection Weather Outbreak Mechanism in the North of Xinjiang

  25. 大型回转支承装置故障的综合诊断

    Synthetic Diagnoses of Large Rotary Support Faults

  26. 车用发动机性能综合诊断系统的研究

    The Overall Diagnosis Unit of Vehicle Engine

  27. 工业内窥镜应用于变压器短路故障综合诊断实例

    Application of industrial endoscope on transformer short-circuit

  28. 变压器短路冲击后的综合诊断

    Diagnosis of Transformer after Short Circuit

  29. 根据灰色系统理论,提出采用多参数综合诊断法来诊断滚动轴承故障。

    Based on gray theory , a multi-parameter diagnosis method of rolling bearing failure has been developed .

  30. 茶园计算机综合诊断施肥咨询系统

    The consult system of synthetic diagnosis of nutrition and fertilizer application in tea garden management by computer