
  • 网络green transport;Green Transportation;green traffic
  1. 创造东滩生态区绿色交通系统

    To Construct Green Transport System in East Mud Ecological Area

  2. 基于绿色交通理念下的广州大学城交通规划

    The green transport plan - Ning of Guangzhou Campus City

  3. 人们通常都明白绿色交通灯的含义。

    The significance of a green traffic light is generally understood .

  4. 绿色交通理念下的城市交通规划

    Urban Traffic Planning in the Concept of " Green Transportation "

  5. 城市绿色交通规划

    Study on the " Green " Traffic Plan-ning in Cities

  6. 保护城市自行车交通及建立城市绿色交通系统

    Preservation of Bicycle Transportation and Establishment of Green Transportation System in Metropolis

  7. 实现绿色交通之交通功能目标的几点策略

    Some ideals about achieving traffic function objective of " green traffic "

  8. 基于绿色交通的城市交通发展探讨

    Discussion of Urban Transportation Development Based on Green Transportation

  9. 城市绿色交通方式之间的衔接与协调

    Link and coordination between green traffic ways in city

  10. 绿色交通原则指导下的城市轨道网规划综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Urban Rail Transit Network Planning Based on Green Transportation Principle

  11. 对我国城市实施绿色交通体系对策的探讨

    Discussion on The Countermeasures for Green Traffic System in The Cities of China

  12. 街区设计特征与绿色交通的选择&以上海市康健、卢湾、中原、八佰伴四个街区为例

    Neighbourhood Design Characteristics and the Choice of Green Transport

  13. 城市绿色交通与可持续发展关系策略问题的研究

    Relationship Between City Green Traffic and Sustainable Development

  14. 绿色交通理念下的非机动化发展对策

    Study Developing Non-motorized Modes with Green Transport Idea

  15. 中小城市绿色交通规划理论研究与实践反思

    Theoretical Research and Practical Reflection on the Green-transportation Planning of Middle and Small Cities

  16. 绿色交通系统规划实践&以中新天津生态城为例

    Green Transportation System Planning and Implementation : a case study from Sino-Singapore Eco-City , Tianjin

  17. 绿色交通的发展是城市建康发展的必然趋势。

    The development of green traffic is the inevitable trend of thedevelopment of city health .

  18. 城市绿色交通规划:建设和谐交通社会的必由之路

    Green Traffic Planning in Cities & the Necessary Way of Constructing " Harmonious Traffic "

  19. 城市绿色交通规划的研究及发展对策

    Study on the Green Urban Traffic Planning

  20. 发展无轨电车增进绿色交通

    Develop Trolleybuses and Promote Green Traffic

  21. 我国交通拥堵已成为社会关注的一个焦点,城市实施绿色交通体系已成为我国迫在眉睫的事情。

    Traffic jam in China has become a social concern and the implementation an urgent task .

  22. 这个活动的主题是绿色交通和健康,它已经赢得了全国的广泛支持。

    The campaign with the theme of green transport and health has won wide national support .

  23. 倡导绿色交通,促进城市健康发展&济南市自行车交通发展对策

    Proposing Green Transit and Promote Healthy Urban Development & Strategy for Bicycle Transit Development of Jinan

  24. 试论绿色交通

    A Preliminary Study on Green Traffic

  25. 此外,这108个城市必须采取至少一种新的方法来促进绿色交通的发展。

    Besides , the108 cities have to adopt at least one new measure to promote green traffic .

  26. 自行车交通在我国城市交通系统中占有重要的地位,是一种绿色交通方式。

    Bicycle traffic , a green transport means , plays an important role in the urban traffic system .

  27. 浅谈绿色交通

    Discussions on Green Transportation

  28. 历史文化名城的绿色交通研究&以大同市古城区为例

    Study on Green Urban Traffic of Historic City & Taking the Old City Zone of Datong as Example

  29. 建立居民公识,提高居民对于绿色交通运输工具的使用。

    The establishment of the residents of public awareness , and enhance people 's use of green transport .

  30. 本文研究绿色交通新理念,使其与城市交通规划有机结合。

    In this paper , a new idea of " green transportation " combines with the urban transport planning .