
  1. 大田期,半商品基质能够缩短烟苗的缓苗时间,提高成活率,烟苗在30d和60d的农艺性状优于其它处理。

    After the transplant , Half commodity matrix ( T3 ) can shorten the time of seeding , increase the survival rate , in 30 d and 60 d agronomic characters is superior to other treatment .

  2. 此类苗移栽后,缓苗快,成苗率高。

    After transplant seedling survival quickly , survival rate was very high .

  3. 扦插分4个阶段即自养阶段、生根阶段、缓苗阶段、生长阶段。

    The cuttage included 4 stages ( autotrophy stage , rooting stage , transplanting seedling stage and growth stage ) .

  4. 因此采用该项技术可以有效解决当归苗床育苗移栽缓苗和抽薹问题。

    Therefore the technique of facilities greenhouse seedlings can effectively solve the problem of transplant slow seedlings and early bolting rate .

  5. 相比之下,钵体育苗抛秧与摆栽技术可以有效避免机械损伤、缓苗快、秧苗素质高、低节位分蘖,成穗率高、节省成本等诸多特点。

    In contrast , potted seedlings transplanted and inseminate technology can effectively avoid mechanical damage , slow-fast , seedling quality high , low section-spike tiller , rate , saving costs and many other features .

  6. 从拱棚和地膜覆盖以后甘兰的生长情况来看,前者较后者缓苗快,结球早,球叶多,包球紧,产量高,上市早。

    Compared to plastic mulching , when cabbage was grown in the small plastic arches , the seedlings grew and expanded faster , more leaves were developed and the ball was more tightly compacted , resulting in high production and early market supply .

  7. 然而,目前板栗主要以大田实生繁殖为主,由于其苗木的直根性,且根系再生能力差,致使苗木移栽造林时伤根严重,缓苗极慢,结实较晚。

    However , Castanea mollissima cultivation is prior to field seedling propagation now , owing to its taproot characteristic and feeble regeneration capability of root system , lead to injure root seriously when seedlings transplant forestation , revive seedling slowly and fruit late .

  8. 研究表明:1.在前期降雨较少的情况下,降低垄体高度能显著提高根际土壤含水率,有利于缓苗和烟株的生长发育。

    The main results are as follows : ( 1 ) In the case of low rainfall early , reduced the ridge body height could improve significantly the rhizosphere soil moisture and conducive to the growth and development of rejuvenation and tobacco plants .