
  • 网络rejuvenation period
  1. 所以,处理c-16为侧柏试验的最佳处理,有较高的生根促进作用,可以缩短缓苗期,提高成活率。

    Therefore , processing c-16 is the optimal treatment for arborvitae , the role of a higher rooting , you can shorten the recover period , improve the survival rate .

  2. 因此,处理II-14为油松生根试剂的最佳配方,对苗木根系活性恢复有较强的促进作用,可以在较短的时间内生根,从而缩短缓苗期,提高成活率。

    Therefore , treatment II-14 reagent for the best Chinese pine rooting reagent , root activity of the seedlings have a stronger role in promoting recovery can take root in a relatively short period of time , thus shortening the recover period , improve the survival rate . 3 .

  3. 3尿素的施肥水平显著影响菊苣直根的产量,以缓苗期、蹲苗后和封垄前分别追施一次为宜。

    The carbamide levels influence chicory taproot yield significantly . It was appropriate to fertilize during postponing seedling stage , after controlling seedling and before full crop .

  4. 高校毕业生走上工作岗位后,普遍存在着犹如植物移栽后的“缓苗期”现象,需要化一段时间重新学习,以适应新的环境。

    Just like plants have to go through a certain growth delaying period after they are transplanted , university graduates need a period of restudying to adapt themselves to the new job environment .

  5. 本文报道了地膜覆盖、高垄栽植和激素处理等措施对缩短山楂缓苗期的影响。

    The experiments proved that covering the ground with plastic films , high ridge culture and treatment with plant growth regulators were very effective to shorten the recovery period of hawthorn seedlings after transplanting .

  6. 轻型基质育苗苗木质量好,运输成本低,造林季节长且成活率高,无缓苗期,应用于油茶育苗具有重要意义。

    Light medium seedlings had advantages of high seedlings quality , low transport costs , long plantation season , high survival rate , and non-time of seedling recovering , which was meaningful to be applied in Camellia Oleifera seedling .

  7. 春栽成活率高,但是缓苗期长,新梢发育慢,平均枝条长短,仅为20~30cm。

    The survival rate of the seedlings planted in spring was high , but the revival time was long , and the growth rate of shoot was slow , the average length of shoot was short , only 20 ~ 30 cm .