
xiǎo bān diǎn
  • Small spot;punctation;flecky
小斑点[xiǎo bān diǎn]
  1. 西尼罗河病毒感染发生小斑点皮疹:3例报道

    Punctate exanthem of West Nile Virus infection : Report of 3 cases

  2. 那些有小斑点的叶子是淡绿色泽的。

    The punctate leaves were of a light green hue .

  3. 欧洲的树种,带有可食用的小斑点的褐色的果实。

    European tree bearing edible small speckled brown fruit .

  4. 母鸡下了3枚蛋壳上有小斑点的漂亮鸡蛋。

    The hen layed three beautiful speckled eggs .

  5. 这花瓶底部没有那几个小斑点就十全十美了。

    This vase would be perfect but for a few small flaws in its base .

  6. 斑疹病一种植物病,通常由真菌引起,在植物的叶和茎上产生小斑点

    A plant disease , usually caused by fungi , that produces minute spots on leaves and stems . Resistance of Malus Species Against CLSV

  7. 蒲包花一种蒲包花属植物,产自墨西哥到南美地区,因其艳丽的、有小斑点的拖鞋状花朵而广为栽培。

    Any of various plants of the genus Calceolaria native from Mexico to South America and widely cultivated for their showy , speckled , slipper-shaped flowers .

  8. 珊瑚点是在石灰岩洞表面上形成的方解石小斑点,包括在岩石艺术品的顶部和底下发现的珊瑚点。

    Coralloids are small nodes of calcite that form on the surfaces of limestone caves , including on top of and beneath the rock art found in

  9. 这些小斑点因形状等的不同,会反映出我们身体可能存在的不同问题。无论哪一种,这其实都是再告诉我们:我们可能需要关注自己的身体健康状况了。

    These spots can indicate a few different things , because the different patterns of white spots may be symptomatic of different causative conditions , but the underlying theme is that your body is trying to tell you that you are not healthy .