
piāo miǎo; piǎo miǎo
  • Ethereal;misty;dimly discernible
缥缈 [piāo miǎo]
  • [dimly discernible] 隐隐约约,若有若无

缥缈[piāo miǎo; piǎo miǎo]
  1. 关于浪漫,深信你的游离和缥缈;

    Concerning the romance , believe deeply you swim to leave and dimly discernible ;

  2. 他琢磨着那一丝缥缈的消息。他闻到了一股被腐植质染成清黑色的河水的气味儿。

    As he pondered over the dimly discernible piece of news he had received , he smelled the smell of river water that has been dyed a transparent black by humus soil .

  3. 她微笑着,眼神缥缈恍惚。

    She smiled with a faraway look in her eyes .

  4. 我好像生活在缥缈的梦境里。

    It 's as if I 'm living in a hazy dream world .

  5. 明知神山缥缈,却愿其有。

    Everyone knows that fairy isles are delusive and illusive things , still everyone wishes they were real .

  6. 维系在一条细丝般缥缈的情线一端。

    Maintain filaments in a situation like Piaomiao on one end .

  7. 乡村的炊烟凝结细雨中,如此缥缈。

    In the drizzling rain the village smoke congealed , concealed .

  8. 以缥缈幻影的形态,我是这没落的无名见证者。

    In my gaseous phantom form , anonymous witness of the fall .

  9. 我坚信我的爱情,它并不缥缈。

    I believe that my love , it is concealed .

  10. 在市郊的另一头,声声钟鸣,依稀缥缈。

    In another suburb the hour was counted out , though so remotely .

  11. 那灰色的服装与缥缈景物和谐一致

    The grey costume harmonized with its aerial background

  12. 有人说人生如梦,有人说梦随缘生,是缥缈在世间的涟漪?

    Some say life is like a dream ; others say dreams are rooted in fate .

  13. 爱情有时可以像魔法般神奇,但魔法有时仅仅是缥缈的错觉。

    Love can sometimes be magic , but magic can sometimes * just be an illusion .

  14. 他们认为与其顺从不如和谐一致。那灰色的服装与缥缈景物和谐一致

    They believe in unity rather than conformity . The grey costume harmonized with its aerial background

  15. 模糊的尝试去捕捉容光焕发的雾蒙蒙的清晨,拍出美丽缥缈的秋日风景。

    Try to capture a glowing misty morning , making for stunning and ethereal fall scenes .

  16. 你可以欣赏烟雾缥缈的火山;

    You can watch smoking volcanoes .

  17. 我的无助,我的思随不知道要缥缈多久。

    I will not help , I think of as Piaomiao do not know how long .

  18. 为什么我感到我和玫瑰的幸福如一片雪花一般缥缈?

    Why do I feel I rose and the general well-being such as a snowflake Piaomiao ?

  19. 在新年,所有缥缈的思绪,不再雾遮云锁;

    In the New Year , all misty thoughts are no longer fog cloud cover lock ;

  20. 我们的生命总是那么有限,那些属于你我的年轻亦是如此缥缈。

    Our life is always so limited , that is also the case with you my young Misty .

  21. 一味着喜欢大郎缥缈的情思,也许会一直继续着下去,这样也好。

    Always like to breed hollow myriad feelings , and may continue to go on like this , or .

  22. 而文人画本身亦以其简淡写意、虚白空灵、缥缈清远、灵动超逸等含蓄蕴藉的审美特征表达出一种禅趣、禅思、禅境。

    While scholar 's painting itself presents the interest , thinking , realm of Zen through its implicit pregnant aesthetic characteristics .

  23. 两人不可避免地要埋头探究往事,去寻找答案,寻找昔日缥缈的完美。

    Each is impelled to delve back into the past , in search of explanation and also of an elusive original perfection .

  24. 啊,你空虚缥缈的旨酒的精灵,要是你还没有一个名字,让我们叫你做魔鬼吧!

    O thou invisible spirit of wine , if thou hast no name to be known by , let us call thee devil !

  25. 很多曾经的梦想和希冀都在现实的激流中沉淀,留下的是昨日梦幻缥缈的美丽。

    Many dreams and expectations have fallen to the bottom of the flowing river of reality , only leaving a loop of beauty shining mistily .

  26. 你感觉到你的灵魂随时都可能飘升到缥缈的空际,死神的面貌就象你亲爱的朋友那样熟悉。

    You felt that it was ready to be wafted away on the immaterial air , and death bore all the aspect of a beloved friend .

  27. 既然爱情是心里最美、最沉重和最缥缈的诗篇,就从这里开始,从未知的位置结束。

    Since love is the most romantic 、 the deepest and the most tenuous poem , we are from here and end from some where unknown .

  28. 继而西行,翻越缥缈的群山,穿过连绵的森林,直抵大海,那里遍地长满阳光,并在你的掌间舞动。

    And they were taking west , pass the smoking mountains , and floating forest until they reach the ocean where sun light grows from the ground .

  29. 在吸血鬼题材大热的当下,《吸血鬼日记》的女主角也不含糊的拿下三座大奖。这件以浅色为基调镶嵌亮片和水晶的无肩带短裙让她显得品味非凡,轻盈缥缈。

    Nina Dobriev of The Vampire Diaries , which nabbed three awards of its own , looked ethereal and elegant in strapless dress bedecked with sequins and crystals .

  30. 我太害羞了,而她或许是希望一切止步于此吧一种美丽而缥缈的关系这种爱如此微妙,以至一个错误的举动就可能毁掉一切。

    I was too shy and she probably wanted to keep it this way a beautiful ethereal relationship a love so delicate that one wrong move might ruin everything .
