
  • 网络Network interface;Ethernet interface;usb;WAN
  1. PowerPC主机处理器的网口设计开发

    Development of the Ethernet Interface for PowerPC Host Processors

  2. 基于Windows服务的网口与串口通信软件设计

    Design of Communication Software between Network Interface and Serial Interface Based on Windows Service

  3. 文章采用QoS控制分层设计方案,总共分为用户层、应用层、网口层。提出了QoS分层模型中的过滤器的设计,以保障视频音频数据的顺利传输。

    This reach adopt layered design of QoS control scheme which divide into user layer application layer and net interface layer .

  4. 绘图机具有USB接口和网口,可以通过读U盘里的绘图文件直接绘图,也可以通过网口读局域网内任意一台计算机里的绘图文件进行绘图。

    There are USB and network interface in the machine , we can draw a graphics from an USB disk or any computer on the Internet .

  5. 一种多网口EOC系统的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of a Multi-network Port EOC System

  6. 在各监控系统中同时存在着多种操作系统和多种通信方式,如Windows、Linux、Unix,串口通信、网口通信等。

    Many different kinds of operating systems and communication modes exist in monitoring system , such as Windows , Linux , Unix , serial port communication and network interface communication .

  7. 基板模块集成了多种外设,其中有串口、网口、LCD、USB等接口,同时还提供有扩展插槽。

    The main module integrates some peripheral equipment , such as serial port , network port , LCD , USB and so on . It also offers extend interface .

  8. 使用网线插入EVM上的以太网端口,另一端连接到您的PC网口一端连接。

    Using the Ethernet cable supplied , connect one end of the cable to the Ethernet port on the EVM and the other end to your PC.

  9. 一个配置了USB及有线网口的嵌入式设备,在接入无线网卡后,可由用户自主配置,除能通过无线网卡接入到网络,也可通过使能网卡,使该设备具备AP的功能。

    As a result , the embedded equipment with USB and network port can be configured not only to connect to network by wireless card , but also to work as AP .

  10. 两个模块分别是两个单独的进程,不断的分别监听来自USB虚拟串口和网口的数据,两个进程间的数据通信采用命名管道方式。

    Two modules are two individual processes , one of them monitoring data through USB virtual serial port and the other monitoring data through network port . Communication method between two processes is named pipe . 2 .

  11. 在系统采集和传输中,采用了FPGA对相机进行缓存,以DMA形式送入嵌入式的系统,并通过该系统将数据通过网口向上位机进行传输,最终给出激光光束质量因子的值。

    Data acquisition and transmission is emphasized . Image buffer is made by FPGA , data is transmitted to a embedded system from the buffer using DMA , and finally is transmitted to PC using Ethernet interface .

  12. 本文以AX88196在网络交换机中的应用为例,介绍了利用MAC芯片来实现通过网口对网络交换机进行远程管理系统。及其软硬件的设计原理。

    In this paper the application of Fast Ethernet MAC Controller AX88196 to network switch remote management system is described , and the design of hardware and software about the system are introduced .

  13. 网口高度达12.6m,拖速提高到3.0~3.8节。

    The height of the net opening is 12.6 meters . Trawling speed is increased io 3.0 - 3 . 8 knots .

  14. 提出了适合于透明传输的发送及接收算法,描述了LCP和NCP配置选项的协商过程,此外还介绍了路由器局域网口和广域网口之间的基本分组转发方法。

    This paper gives the scuding and receiving algorithm for transparent transmission , describes the negotiation processes of LCP and NCP configuration options , and provides a basic method to forward packets between LAN port and WAN port of router .

  15. 根据中上层鱼类的生态习性,选取网具的最大网目为7m,在网口周长、网线配置和网身形状等方面作了深入探讨的基础上,设计了182m×94.7m绳拖网。

    According to the ecological behavior of pelagic fish , the largest mesh of 7m was selected . On the basis of adequate discussion on the mouth perimeter , netting yam attaching and body configuration , a large mesh trawl with 182m × 94.7m in size was designed .

  16. 没找到可发送包的广域网口。

    NAT : No interface selected to send packet to internet .

  17. 拖网网口形状的积分计算法

    On the use of integral method to calculate shapes of the trawl-net mouth

  18. 两个百兆网口不仅可以高速入网,还支持网络远程启动。

    Million Ethernet interfaces support not only Ethernet access but also network boot .

  19. 双拖网网口扩张的估算方法

    An estimating method of pair trawl mouth opening

  20. 网关软件分为两大模块,即串口通信模块和网口通信模块。

    The software is composed of two modules : serial communication and Ethernet module .

  21. 拖网网口高度测量仪的设计

    A Net-openning Height Measurement Device for Trawlers

  22. 441千瓦双船底拖网网口高度与网口周长的关系

    Relationship between the height and the circumference of net opening in 441 kW bottom pair trawlers

  23. 首创网口保护罩,结构合理、美观实用,确保操作安全。

    Novel adoption of screen mesh protector , nice structure , elegant with functional and safe operation .

  24. 根据芯片结构,设计网口驱动程序并实现系统网络功能。

    The Ethernet port device driver of and the network function of this system are designed and accomplished .

  25. 数据采集与处理系统主要负责收集光纤光栅传感器传输的光信号,经光纤解调仪解调后通过计算机网口发送给监测工控机。

    The data acquisition and processing subsystem is mainly used to collect optical signals transmitted by the fiber grating sensors .

  26. 结果表明:网口高度是网口拉直周长的5.5~7.3%。

    The results indicate that the height of net opening was 5 . 5 - 23 % of the circumference of stretched net opening .

  27. 这些竞争对手可能会以更低廉的价格挖走客户,也可能向零售商开出更优惠的条件,无一不对高朋网口中的肥肉构成威胁。

    These rivals could poach its users with cheaper deals . And they could offer retailers better terms , too , in the process threatening Groupon 's fat margins .

  28. 本文报道了1986~1992年期间对441kW渔船使用的11顶底拖网网口高度的海上实测结果。

    The results of real tests of the height of net opening for bottom trawls at sea by using 441 kW fishing boats during the period of 1986 to 1992 are reported .

  29. 据此,建议从适当增大网口网目尺寸和网口周长、增加船舶主机功率和延长作业天数等方面入手,提高拖网作业单位捕捞效率。

    In terms of increasing fishing efficiency for each fishing unit , the proposals of improving net structure , properly increasing main engine power of fishing vessels and prolonging fishing days were offered .

  30. 战术互联网中宽带电台通常可以通过网口与互联网控制器连接,在使用中由互联网控制器通过专门的控制协议对电台参数进行设置,以满足通讯要求。

    Broadband radio can usually connect with Internet Controller ( INC ) by ethernet network interface in tactical internet . INC sets parameters of radio through special control protocol for the purpose of meeting the requirement of communication in use .