
wǎnɡ luò wén xué
  • Network Literature;net literature
  1. 网络文学对当今审美发展的负面效应

    The Negative Effects of Net Literature on Present Aesthetic Development

  2. 理性与感性&网络文学语言现象研究

    Reason and Perception & A Study on the Language Phenomenon of Net Literature

  3. 网络文学在具有一定的观赏性的同时,也有着不可回避的创作审美缺陷

    Network literature has definite appreciating values , meanwhile , it has obvious aesthetic defects in inditing .

  4. 在这部分内容中笔者还反驳了以下观卢,即认为真正的网络文学或曰网络文学的发展方向是超文本(hypertext)文学。

    In this part I refute such standpoint : the real internet literature or its direction is hypertext literature .

  5. 全新KindleX咪咕电子阅读器售价为658元(96.6美元)。作为全球第一款联合品牌Kindle,它将为网络文学带来全新的数字化阅读体验。

    With a price tag of 658 yuan ( $ 96.6 ) , the all-new Kindle X Migu e-reader , is the first-ever co-branded Kindle bringing a completely new digital reading experience to online literature .

  6. 而Absolut早期也试着做一名专职的作者,随着时间的推移,他还是决定再找一份工作,将网络文学创作作为自己的兼职工作。

    Absolut early and also try to do a full-time author , with the passage of time , he decided to find a job , the network literature as its part-time job .

  7. 网络文学的主体缺省视野

    The View on the Absence of Subject in Literature in Cyberspace

  8. 它们赋予网络文学以生机,同时也提出了一些值得进一步思考的问题。

    This paper also gives some problems which are worth pondering .

  9. 存在抑或虚无:网络文学研究的学理悖论

    Exist or Nihility : Schoolship Paradox of Studies in Online Literature

  10. 网络文学对传统的文学理论和文学批评是一个严峻的挑战。

    Network literature is a severe challenge to traditional literature criticism .

  11. 网络文学的话语诉求及价值取向

    Language expression tendency and value orientation of literature on the Internet

  12. 网络文学实质上是一种特殊形态下的大众文化形式。

    Network literature naturally is a special form of popular culture .

  13. 网络文学批评与中国古代神韵批评

    On network literary criticism and Chinese ancient romantic charm criticism

  14. 在喧哗与骚动中沉思&网络文学探索

    Meditation in Confused Noise and Commotion & Probe into Cyber-Literature

  15. 自由的界限&网络文学管窥

    Free Boundary & The network literature have a restricted view

  16. 网络文学:新世纪文学的裂变

    Network Literature & A Fission of Literature in New Century

  17. 网络文学与传统文学的明显区别在于其具有双向互动性。

    Interactivity is the obvious distinguish between network literature and traditional literature .

  18. 网络文学:新物质载体产生的文学现象

    Network Literature : A Literary Appearance Emerged on a New Material Vehicle

  19. 网络文学创作的多媒体特性给文学带来的影响

    Influence on Literature Brought by the Multimedia Characteristic of Network

  20. 论网络文学的平民化叙事

    The discussion of common people narration in the network literature

  21. 第一,网络文学批评的一般概述。

    Part one is a general overview of the network literature criticism .

  22. 网络文学的兴起与文学创作模式的嬗变

    Rise of Network Literature and Evolution of Literary Creation Models

  23. 网络文学与当代人类的生存境遇

    The Internet Literature and the Contemporary Human Existence Circumstances

  24. 网络文学审美的特殊性及其审美缺陷

    Special Features of Network Literary Aesthetics and Its Deficiency

  25. 网络文学发展初探

    Rational Reflections on the Development of the Network Literature

  26. 网络文学对文学批评理论的挑战

    On the Challenge of Web Literature to Literary Criticism

  27. 论网络文学对传统文学理论建构的冲击

    On the Shock of Network Literature Toward the Constitution of Traditional Literature Theory

  28. 网事如烟&北美华文网络文学20年

    Reminiscences of North-American Chinese Literature in the Internet in the Past Twenty Years

  29. 网络文学的载体优势决定其有着独特的发展方向。

    It is concluded that this literature carrier can benefit its healthy development .

  30. 网络文学将会有很大的发展余地。

    Internet literature will have great room for development .