
  • 网络network user;Internet User;web user;cybernaut;Webster
  1. Java™ServerFaces(JSF)技术是网络用户界面组件的通用Java™框架。

    Java ™ Server Faces ( JSF ) technology is a popular Java ™ framework for Web user interface components .

  2. 模糊和粗糙环境下的网络用户浏览模式研究

    Research of Web User Access Patterns in Fuzzy and Rough Environments

  3. 一份征询意见书已贴在了因特网上,欢迎网络用户发表意见。

    A consultation paper has been posted on the Internet inviting input from Net users .

  4. 校园网络用户资料WEB管理系统初探

    How to Manage the Users ' Data of Campus Network by Using Web Page

  5. 随着Internet/Intranet技术的发展,网络用户可以通过代理服务器来访问Internet网上任何网络资源和服务。

    Along with the Development of Internet / Intranet technology , Network consumer can visit any Internet resources and services by Proxy Servers .

  6. ATM网络用户解决方案

    The User Solutions of the ATM Network

  7. 随着Internet的普及,Web服务商业化的发展,Web服务参与者的隐私保护问题已经成为网络用户最关注的问题之一。

    With the popularity of Internet and the development of commercialization of web services , the privacy issue of actors for web service becomes one of the hottest topics .

  8. 系统使用了ASP技术,向网络用户提供了基于WEB的网络费用查询。该系统具有良好的跨平台性。

    Using ASP technology , the system provide network user the accounting results query based on WEB . The system has the character of cross platform .

  9. 随着互联网的不断发展,网络用户的不断增加,原有的IP地址资源显得越来越稀少,无法满足今后网络继续发展的需要。

    With developing of the Internet , more and more people log on the web , original IP addresses are not enough for the demand of development .

  10. 面对如此巨大的信息量,如何发现自己所需信息,成了困扰网络用户的一大难题,即所谓的richdatapoorinformation问题。

    There is a mass of information on Internet , how to look for information that someone wants in Internet is becoming a difficult problem , which is so-called " rich data poor information " .

  11. RADIUS(RemoteAuthenticationDialInUserService远程认证拨号接入用户服务)协议是最流行的身份验证和授权拨号及隧道网络用户的方法。

    RADIUS ( Remote Authentication Dial In User Service ) protocol is widely used in various AAA ( Authentication , Authorization , Accounting ) systems of networks access devices .

  12. ISP与网络用户

    ISP and network user

  13. 在研究网络用户行为特点的基础上提出了基于Web的局域网行为管理模型,并根据该模型进行了管理系统的设计和实现。

    A Web-based management system model for LAN behavior is proposed on the basis of the study and analysis of the characteristic of LAN user 's behavior . According the model a management system is designed and implemented .

  14. 随着Internet的普及和计算机技术的发展,网络用户的规模越来越大,用户访问网络的行为也变的越来越多样化和复杂化。

    With the popularity of Internet and the development of computer technology , the scale of network users becomes larger and larger and the behavior that users access to the network also becomes more and more diversified and complicated .

  15. 随着中国联通CDMA网络用户的逐渐增多,单载频的CDMA无线网络已经不能满足业务量及业务类型增加的要求。

    With the users ' gradual increase of China Unicom CDMA network , the single carrier CDMA wireless network can not meet the need for the traffic growth and types of business increase .

  16. 重点研究了数字化校园应用系统中的身份认证系统,具体设计了基于LDAP的指纹身份认证安全框架,给出了对网络用户进行统一授权、管理和认证的实现方案。

    Focuses on the digital application campus system of authentication system , we detailed design a fingerprint-based LDAP authentication security framework which can give the right network users unified licensing , governance and certification .

  17. 接着在上述基础上提出几种常用的网络用户行为分析系统模型或其思想,主要列举了网络用户行为分析在Web点击流分析、计算机与网络安全方面以及Intranet网内用户结构分析中的应用。

    Then putting forward several kinds of common application modes or thought of network users ' behavior analysis , including network click flow analysis , computer and network security analysis and user structure analysis of Intranet . The key algorithm of behavior analysis system has been discussed and improved .

  18. 随着WWW网络用户的日益增多,为了改善信息服务的质量,以及从中发掘出电子商务方面的商业机会,有必要对网络用户的行为规律加以分析。

    As the ever growing population of Internet network users , it is imperative to explore regularities in user behaviour and Web structure , in outer to improve system design and the service quality , even mine the commercial opportunities in electronic commerce .

  19. xDSL技术被看作近年来最具发展前途和可行性的主流技术之一,xDSL是以现有的入户铜绞线为介质基础,通过不同的调制方式提供不同的带宽,从而实现不同速度的网络用户接入技术。

    XDSL have been considered the one of the technologies which have the good fortune and feasibility in recent years . xDSL systems are built upon the existing twisted-pair telephone subscriber loop plant and can provide different bandwidth by different modulation technologies , so different transmission rates are fulfilled .

  20. 大学生校园网络用户群体的调查与分析

    A Survey and Analysis on Campus-Network Users Groups in College Students

  21. 当前,网络用户规模快速增长,用户身份信息日趋复杂。

    Currently , the scale of network users is growing rapidly .

  22. 基于网络用户行为的相关页面挖掘模型

    A Model for Mining Related Pages Based on Usage Information in WWW

  23. 传统上,网络用户一般采用防火墙作为安全的第一道防线。

    Traditionally , users usually adopt Firewall as their first line of defence .

  24. 应变转向:从网络用户视角探究互动性的概念

    The Contingency Turn : Exploring The Concept of Interactivity from The Users ? Perspective

  25. 每天都会有数以亿计的网络用户访问谷歌的主页。

    Every day , hundreds of millions of online users visit the Google homepage .

  26. 然后介绍了网络用户行为的概念、特点和分析方法。

    Then it introduces the concept of network user behavior , characteristics and analysis methods .

  27. 因此对网络用户行为的研究与分析越来越重要。

    Therefore , the studying for network users ' behavior is more and more important .

  28. 融合网络用户需求研究

    Consumer 's Demands for a Converged Network

  29. 考虑到安全因素,你的网络用户应该只允许读取数据库。

    For security reasons , your web users should only have read access to the database .

  30. 还有,但愿你不是很在意流媒体,听说确实有网络用户在乎哈。

    I hope you don 't care about streaming video ! God knows not many casual internet users do .