
  • 网络Network Economy;internet economy;net economy;cybereconomy;networkeconomy
  1. 网络经济下比较优势理论和H-O理论的新变化

    The Theory on the Comparison Advantage under the Net Economy

  2. 网络经济专家杰里米•休梅克(JeremySchoemaker)认为这笔交易对谷歌极为有利,通过合并,组建最大的视频网络,并赢得一场对用户开放空间的争夺战。

    Jeremy Schoemaker , a net economy expert , sees the deal as superb for Google , merging to form the biggest video network and winning a land-grab for publisher space .

  3. 以Internet技术为标志的网络经济时代的到来,促使企业经营理念转型。

    The coming of times of network economy , marked by internet technology , improves businesses to change their concept of management .

  4. ERP的核心思想是供应链管理,是基于网络经济时代的新一代信息管理系统。

    The kernel idea of EPR is the management of accommodate chain . It is a new management information system based on network .

  5. 网络经济也称信息经济,数字化经济,随着INTERNET在全球的迅猛发展,电子商务作为21世纪信息时代经济活动全新的技术手段和方法,已经成为INTERNET最广阔的应用领域。

    Network-economy is also called information economy , as Internet developing , E ~ mmerce , the newest technical artifice and method , is begin to be the widest application field in the internet .

  6. Web2.0的成功应用,网络经济的蓬勃发展,正提供了我们跳出传统客户关系管理看客户关系管理的新思路和新途径。

    The booming Internet economy with the successful application of Web 2.0 provides us with new ideas and perspectives to look at customer relationship management .

  7. 特别分析了网络经济条件下技术选择中的超额动量和超额惯量问题,并结合移动通讯从2G向3G的过渡问题,提出了促进市场效率和整个社会经济管理所应当采取的相应政策选择。

    Combined with the transitional issue of the wireless telecommunication from 2G to 3G , the paper suggested corresponding policy choice in the technological selection in order to ensure the market efficiency and economic welfare of the whole society .

  8. 为适应网络经济时代全球化竞争的需要,我国企业必须重视研究消费者需求及其行为的变化,在改革传统营销渠道模式的基础上,应建立新的需求导向(拉动)型的ECR营销渠道模式。

    With the globalized competition of network economy era , China 's enterprises must study the changes in consumer 's demands and related behavior On the basis of reforming traditional marketing channel model , new ECR marketing channel model of demand drawing must be established .

  9. 论网络经济条件下会计信息的特征

    Talking about the Features of Accounting Information on Network Economy Conditions

  10. 在网络经济下,重组的模式有单纯的发展网络银行业务及全面与网络经济融合两种模式。

    The development of network economy is changing the operation environment .

  11. 网络经济与转型中企业创新的统一

    About the Integration of Cyber Economy and Innovation of Transiting Enterprises

  12. 网络经济时代图书馆信息服务的创新

    Innovation of Library Information Services in the Times of Network Economy

  13. 联网审计是网络经济环境下的必然产物。

    Interconnection network audit is an inevitable product of economic circumstances .

  14. 网络经济下私营企业实现财务管理创新的构想

    How to Reform Financing Administration of Private Companies under Network Economy

  15. 网络经济的物质基础&网络生产力

    On the Material Foundation of Network Economy & Network Productive Forces

  16. 网络经济的边际收益递增律刍议

    Discussion on the Law of Increasing Marginal Revenue of Networks Economy

  17. 基于交易费用的网络经济效应分析

    Analysis on Effect of Network Economy Based on Transaction Fee

  18. 网络经济与重庆信息化建设

    Internet Economy and the Developement of Information Technology in Chongqing

  19. 网络经济时代竞争战略的选择

    Selection of Competitive Strategies in the Age of Cyber Economy

  20. 从网络经济看铁路改革与行业监管

    Railway Reform and Sector Regulation Viewed from Economies of Network

  21. 网络经济偏爱中小企业的原因剖析

    Study on the reason that the net-economics has a preference for SMEs

  22. 网络经济条件下的产品内分工与模块化生产

    The Intra-product Division and Modularized Production in the Network Economy

  23. 面向网络经济的组织结构设计

    The Design of the Organizational Structures in Face of the Net Economy

  24. 网络经济与集团财务集中管理

    Network economy and centralized management of finance in business groups

  25. 网络经济对会计及会计教育的影响

    The Influence of Network Economy In Accountant and Accountant Education

  26. 网络经济不言败&国外学者谈因特网

    Network Economy Will Not Be Defeated & Internet perspective from scholars abroad

  27. 网络经济与社会主义市场经济及其他

    Network Economy & . New Market Economy and Else

  28. 关注网络经济与电子商务的革命(第一部分)

    Pay attention to the revolution of Net-Economy and ecommerce ( part one )

  29. 网络经济规则与企业组织行为

    Rules of Net Economy and the Behavior of Enterprises

  30. 中国企业网络经济的发展模式

    The Consideration On Pattern of Development of Network Economy of Enterprises of China