
  • 网络railway economy
  1. 坚持内涵扩大再生产,走挖潜扩能之路,是缓解铁路运输紧张状况,最大限度地扩大运输能力最有效、最现实的办法,也是转变铁路经济增长方式、提高经济增长质量的必由之路。

    The strategy of capability expansion through inner development is the most effective and realistic way to alleviate the tensional railway transport situation and to enlarge transport capability to a large extent , and is prerequisite of transforming railway economy increasing mode and improving economy increasing quality .

  2. 基于地理信息系统的铁路经济规划实验设计研究

    Research on experiment design based on GIS in railways economic planning

  3. 对我国铁路经济增长与发展的探讨

    Discussion on Economic Growth and Development on Chinese Railways

  4. 铁路经济管理体制的重大改革

    Major Reforms in the Railway Economic Management System

  5. 中国铁路经济引入竞争的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of Bringing on Competition in the Market for the China Railway Industry

  6. 检修周期是检修制度的核心问题,只有科学合理地制定机车检修周期,使机车做到安全运行和适时检修,才能在保证机车质量和安全的前提下,实现铁路经济效益和安全效益的双优化。

    Determining repair cycle is a key link to ensure the safety and quality of locomotive .

  7. 转变铁路经济增长方式初探

    The Study of the Increase of Production Efficiency in the Transform of Economic Growth in the Railway Industry

  8. 跨线施工延误列车运行铁路经济损失费用的计算

    How to Calculate the Economic Loss of Railway Sector Due to Train Delay Caused by Construction Across Railway Lines

  9. 从铁路经济繁荣与萧条不断更迭的历史来看,谁都不知道这种好日子会持续多久。

    Judged against the long boom-and-bust history of the railways , it is not clear how long the good times will last .

  10. 在研究铁路经济核算指标体系的基础上,将该指标体系分为再生产核算表和经济循环帐户两部分。

    Based on studying the index system of railway economic accounting , the system is divided into two parts : one is the accounting tables of reproduction , the other is the accounts of economic circle .

  11. 因此,通过研究材料匹配对轮轨滚动接触磨损的影响,提出合理有效的轮轨减磨措施对减少轮轨接触损伤以及提高铁路经济效益具有重要的现实意义。

    So , the matching of wheel / rail materials and methods for alleviating the wear of wheel / rail were studied in this research , which is of great practical significance for alleviating the damage of wheel / rail and increasing economic benefits of railway transportation .

  12. 介绍了中国加入WTO后的有关规定对建筑业及铁路工程经济专业的影响。

    This paper makes an introduction to the impacts of related regulations of WTO on the building industry and engineering economics specialty .

  13. 阐述了中国加入WTO后,在完全的市场经济体制下的铁路工程经济专业将怎样应对及对一些问题的探讨。

    It describes how the railway engineering economics specialty will react to and also explores a few problems arising from China access to WTO .

  14. 高速铁路技术经济问题探讨

    An Approach to Technical and Econom-ic Issues of High Speed Railway

  15. 铁路运输经济效益审计的若干问题

    Some Issues about Efficiency and Effectiveness Audit for Railway Transportation in China

  16. 铁路受灾经济损失评估方法探讨

    An Approach to Assessment of Railway Economic Loss from Disaster

  17. 建立铁路环境经济指标体系的探讨

    Research on Construction of Economic Index System in Railway Environment

  18. 铁路宏观经济指标体系的总体设想

    Overall Plan on the Index System of Railway Economic Accounting

  19. 铁路是经济运作中最重要的运输方式。

    Railways are the most important mode of transport for the economy .

  20. 高速铁路国民经济效益综合评价方法探讨

    An Approach of Synthetical Evaluating Methods of National Economy Benefit for High-Speed Railways

  21. 铁路运输经济安全是国民经济安全的基础。

    Security in railway transportation economy is the foundation of national economy security .

  22. 宁西铁路沿线经济带构建研究

    Building of Economic Belt Along Nanjian-Xi ′ an Railway

  23. 铁路运输经济预警系统的研究

    Study on Alert System of Railway Transportation Economy

  24. 对福格尔关于铁路与经济增长关系理论的研究

    Research of Fogel 's Theory of the Relation between Railways and American Economic Growth

  25. 加快发展铁路促进经济社会全面协调可持续发展

    Speed up Railway Construction for Acceleration of Sustainable and Harmonized Development of Economic Society

  26. 铁路是经济发展的命脉,是维护国防安全的屏障。

    Railway is the lifeline of economic development , is to maintain national security barrier .

  27. 从投入产出调查看郑州铁路局经济发展

    Judge on the Economic Development of Zhengzhou Railway Administration based on An Input / Output Survey

  28. 铁路为经济和社会的全面、协调、可持续发展,发挥着更加有效的促进作用。

    Railways play a more effective role in promoting the economic and social comprehensive , coordinated and sustainable development .

  29. 近年来远东铁路运输经济效益较低,面临着许多困难。

    In recent years , the Far East railway transportation has remained a lower economic benefit and faced many difficulties .

  30. 华东地区铁路与经济发展基本数量关系及铁路发展速度研究

    A Study of the Relationship between Railway and Economy 's Development and the Railway 's Developing Speed in East China