
  • 网络Iron ore futures;swapfutures
  1. 大连商品交易所(DalianCommodityExchange)的铁矿石期货交易量位列第三。

    Iron ore futures on the Dalian Commodity exchange came in third .

  2. 此外,该交易所将在未来几个月内推出白银合约,并正在讨论推出铁矿石期货合约。

    The exchange is set to launch a silver contract in coming months and is also discussing an iron ore futures contract .

  3. 由于受到数据可获得性的限制,本文从定性的角度对推出铁矿石期货的可行性和必要性进行了论证,并提出加快人民币汇率机制改革以助推铁矿石期货的出台。

    Due to limited data availability , this paper introduced the feasibility and necessity of iron ore futures ' launching through qualitative methods . Also this paper suggests that speeding up the reform of RMB exchange rate mechanism in order to boost iron ore futures is needed .

  4. 同时应加强铁矿石国内贸易秩序的管理,努力发展铁矿石期货市场,建立新的国际铁矿石定价机制。

    In addition , the Chinese government should enhance the management of domestic iron ore market and establish a new pricing mechanism through the development of iron ore futures market .