
  • 网络Eotvos Lorand University
  1. 这里是布拉佩斯的俄塔斯罗兰大学

    Here , at eotvos lorand university in budapest ,

  2. 来自匈牙利首都布达佩斯罗兰大学的科学家们进行此项研究,他们把狗保护食物时所发出的叫声放给试验中的狗听,来观察它们的反应。

    Scientists from the E tv s Lor á nd University in Budapest , Hungary , were testing the dogs using a specific growl used by dogs to protect their food .

  3. 一项最新研究发现,狗能够通过犬吠来辨别出另一只狗的大小。来自匈牙利首都布达佩斯罗兰大学的科学家们进行此项研究,他们把狗保护食物时所发出的叫声放给试验中的狗听,来观察它们的反应。

    Dogs are able to tell how big another dog is just by listening to its growl , a new study has found.Scientists from the E tv s Lor á nd University in Budapest , Hungary , were testing the dogs using a specific growl used by dogs to protect their food .