  • sheep;woolly
  • 哺乳动物,反刍类,一般头上有一对角,品种很多:绵~。黄~。羚~。~羔。~毫。~肠线。~肠小道。

  • 姓。

  • 古同“祥”,吉祥。


(哺乳动物) sheep:

  • 公羊


  • 绵羊


  • 母羊


  • 肉用羊

    mutton sheep;

  • 山羊


  • 小羊


  • 羊叫

    baa; bleat;

  • 一群羊

    a flock of sheep;

  • 羊在吃草。

    Sheep are grazing.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 羊祜

    Yang Hu

  1. 那些羊跑出来在路上自由自在地走动。

    The sheep had got out and were loose on the road .

  2. 羊在野地里吃草。

    Sheep were grazing in the fields .

  3. 秃鹫啄出了死羊的眼睛。

    Vultures had pecked out the dead goat 's eyes .

  4. 他们是联赛的领头羊。

    They 're top of the league .

  5. 一年之中,产羔期最令羊农高兴。

    Lambing is the climax of the sheep farmer 's year .

  6. 我炖了些豆子,和羊肘子一块吃。

    I braised some beans to accompany a shoulder of lamb .

  7. 第一项任务就是把树林围起来不让羊进去。

    The first task was to fence the wood to exclude sheep

  8. 石器时代的移居者用羊的牙做成项链。

    Stone Age settlers fashioned necklaces from sheep 's teeth .

  9. 没有对狗加以约束而让它们四处乱跑,结果有48只羊被咬死。

    Dogs were allowed to roam free and 48 sheep were killed .

  10. 宝洁是大众化妆品行业中的领头羊。

    Procter & Gamble is the leader in the mass market cosmetics industry .

  11. 班热博士饲养家禽、猪和羊。

    Dr Binger keeps poultry , pigs and goats

  12. 现在民主党人好像成了领头羊,这让共和党人非常愤怒。

    Republicans are furious that the Democrats currently seem to be making all the running .

  13. 他们养了一小群羊。

    They kept a small flock of sheep

  14. 这些羊是专为剪取羊毛而饲养的。

    These sheep are specially bred for their wool .

  15. 羊被放出去吃草。

    The sheep were turned out to graze .

  16. 他年轻的时候养过羊。

    He raised sheep when he was young .

  17. 他学会了驯养野羊以获取羊奶,甚至还驯养出一只鹦鹉作宠物。

    He learned to domesticate goats for milk , and even a parrot for a pet .

  18. 当汽车行经村庄时,我看到了一群羊。

    I saw a flock of sheep when the car passed through a village .

  19. 羊在咩咩叫。

    A sheep is bleating .

  20. 羊在吃草。

    Sheep are grazing .

  21. 晚上,小偷把农民的羊掠走了。

    Thieves carried off the farmer 's sheep during the night .

  22. 请给我两公斤羊腰子。

    Please give me two kilos of lamb 's kidney .

  23. 这个男孩正把羊赶下山。

    The boy was driving the sheep down the hill .

  24. 牧童等着羊喝水。

    The shepherd boy waited for his sheep to drink .

  25. 这个地区许多农民养牛和羊。

    Many farmers in this area breed cows and sheep .

  26. 一只羊走失了。

    A sheep has wandered away from the flock .

  27. 老虎和羊有完全不同的天性。

    Tigers and sheep have quite different natures .

  28. 他们宰了一只羊作为祭品。

    They killed a sheep as a sacrifice .

  29. 我们在榆树下草尖被羊啃掉的小丘上吃草莓。

    On a sheep-cropped knou under a clump of elms we ate the strawberries .

  30. 这只羊的周围有几只小羊。

    There are several lambs around the sheep .