
  • 网络Arizona State University;ASU
  1. 在加入IBM之前,他是美国亚利桑那州立大学行业工程设计部门的研究助理教授。

    Before joining IBM , he was the Research Assistant Professor in the Industrial Engineering Department of Arizona State University in the US .

  2. 美国亚利桑那州立大学人类进化与社会变化学院的研究人员访问了101位女性,以及她们的812位好友和亲朋。

    Researchers from Arizona State University 's School of Human Evolution and Social Change in the US , interviewed 101 women alongside 812 of their closest friends and relatives .

  3. 根据上海一家新闻门户网站援引一篇当地的报道称,美国亚利桑那州立大学的一名中国学生已经被证实,死于在天丕市发生的一起车祸后引起的枪击案。

    A Chinese student at Arizona State University ( ASU ) has been confirmed dead after a shooting took place at a traffic junction in Tempe , according to the Shanghai-based news portal , The Paper , citing local reports .