
  • 网络DOJ;US department of justice;Department of justice;U.S. Department of Justice;U.S. Justice Department
  1. 美国司法部指控称,BP知晓或本应知晓自己的决定将导致事故发生。

    The DoJ is alleging that BP knew or should have known that its decisions would lead to an accident .

  2. 美国司法部正在调查GSK案,这是它根据《反海外腐败法》(ForeignCorruptPracticesAct)对制药企业展开的调查的一部分。

    The DoJ is looking at the case as part of a broad probe into drugmakers under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act .

  3. 美国司法部(USDepartmentofJustice)还向毅联汇业的三名前雇员提起了刑事指控。

    The US Department of Justice also filed criminal charges against three former ICAP employees .

  4. 裕信银行在上周末发布的声明中表示,美国司法部(usdepartmentofjustice)也在展开调查。

    The US Department of justice is also investigating , UniCredit said in a statement at the weekend .

  5. 同时,苹果也在创建自己的电子图书业务,而且该业务还成了美国司法部(JusticeDepartment)反托拉斯法的调查对象。

    Apple also is building its e-book business , the subject of a Justice Department anti-trust investigation .

  6. 必和必拓称,美国司法部(DepartmentofJustice)已经完成了自己的调查,并将采取行动。

    BHP said the US Department of Justice had concluded its own investigations and would take action .

  7. 尽管在在线广告领域,谷歌显然面临着新的竞争,但同时谷歌也正面临着来自联邦贸易委员会(FederalTradeCommission)和美国司法部(DepartmentofJustice)的双重反垄断调查。

    Google is facing antitrust investigations from both the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of justice .

  8. 答案可以在美国司法部(DepartmentofJustice)先前一份有趣的报告中找到。

    The answer can be found in a fascinating old report from the United States Department of Justice .

  9. 预计美国司法部(justicedepartment)在定于今日向法庭提交的文件中,将会提供更多有关其反对意见的细节。

    The Justice Department is expected to provide more detail on its opposition in papers due in court today .

  10. 美国司法部(JusticeDepartment)发言人说,知道这桩交易,不过拒绝进一步置评。

    A Justice Department spokeswoman said the agency is ' aware of ' the deal but declined to comment further .

  11. 美国司法部(TheDepartmentofJustice)正在对该公司就其在次级抵押贷款证券崩盘前仍给予这些证券最高评级一事展开调查。

    The Department of justice is investigating the company for giving subprime mortgage securities top ratings just before they imploded .

  12. 美国司法部(departmentofjustice)曾起诉甲骨文意存欺诈,对公共部门客户收费过高,不过甲骨文予以了否认。

    It has been sued by the Department of justice for fraudulently overcharging public sector customers , which it denies .

  13. 美国司法部(usdepartmentofjustice)今年以价格共谋起诉了苹果和五家出版商,其中包括企鹅出版社,但不包括兰登书屋。

    The US Department of justice sued apple and five publishers , including Penguin but excluding Random House , this year alleging collusion .

  14. 两位知情人士表示,美国司法部(departmentofjustice)也已被告知上述问题。

    The US Department of justice had also been informed of the concerns , two people close to the matter said .

  15. 汇丰是仍在接受美国司法部(USDepartmentofJustice)调查的几家瑞士银行之一,这些银行涉嫌帮助美国公民逃税。

    HSBC is one of several Swiss banks still being investigated by the US Department of Justice for allegedly helping American citizens to evade the taxman .

  16. 当时Rockstar收购北电6000项专利引发了美国司法部(JusticeDepartment)的不安。

    That purchase of the 6,000 Nortel patents caused anxiety at the Justice Department .

  17. 美国司法部(usdepartmentofjustice)近期已要求财政部(treasury)调查,期货交易所拥有结算所是否有违竞争原则。

    The US Department of justice has recently asked the Treasury to look at whether ownership of clearing houses by futures exchanges is anti-competitive .

  18. 同时谷歌还存在反垄断的顾虑:2008年,美国司法部(DepartmentofJustice)便否决了谷歌与雅虎的搜索业务合作计划。

    Then there are the antitrust concerns : the Department of justice shot down the 2008 search partnership Google wanted to arrange with Yahoo .

  19. 该案件表明,好莱坞已在医药和能源业之后,成为美国司法部(departmentofjustice)反欺诈官员的目标。

    The case suggests that Hollywood has joined the pharmaceuticals and energy industries as a target of anti-fraud enforcers at the US Department of justice .

  20. 谷歌的问题则是其和图书出版商达成的和解协议,美国司法部(JusticeDepartment)批评这一协议带来了反垄断、版权以及其他法律问题。

    Google 's concerns its settlement with book publishers , which the Justice Department has criticized as raising antitrust , copyright and other legal issues .

  21. BP已对美国司法部提出的14项刑事指控认罪,其中11项罪名为过失杀人罪。

    The company pleaded guilty to 14 criminal charges brought by the Department of Justice , 11 of which were counts of manslaughter .

  22. 美国司法部(usdepartmentofjustice)提交的法庭文件称,葛兰素史克“将现金贿赂伪装成咨询费、高价餐费、周末休闲活动开支和奢侈娱乐活动开支”。

    The US Department of Justice legal filings said GSK made use of " cash payments disguised as consulting fees , expensive meals , weekend boondoggles and lavish entertainment " .

  23. 今年6月,雅芳向美国司法部(DepartmentofJustice)和美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提出1200万美元的和解提议,结果遭到拒绝。

    Avon made a settlement offer to the Department of justice and SEC in June for $ 12 million , which was subsequently rejected .

  24. 美国司法部2009年成立了专门的部门,SEC于第二年采取了同样措施。

    The DoJ established a dedicated unit in 2009 , as did the SEC the following year .

  25. 但考虑到美国司法部(DepartmentofJustice)越来越强硬,同时微软多年来在欧洲面临诸多监管问题,这桩交易的审查过程将会长达数月之久。

    But the deal faces many months of scrutiny & given the Department of Justice is getting tougher and Microsoft has faced years of regulatory issues in Europe .

  26. 这样一场聚会的确发生了,但现在与会人士发现自己面临美国司法部(departmentofjustice)的调查,还受到愤怒的欧洲政客的谴责。

    Such a meeting actually took place , but the attendees now find themselves under investigation by the US Department of justice and condemned by enraged European politicians .

  27. 一个电脑工业贸易机构称,IBM因被指认反竞争行为而接受美国司法部调查。

    IBM is being investigated by the US Department of Justice over allegations of anti-competitive behaviour , a computer industry trade body has said .

  28. 这起民事诉讼是由美国司法部(USJusticeDepartment)代表去年9月曝光大众涉嫌不当行为的美国国家环境保护局(EPA)提起的。

    The civil lawsuit was filed by the US justice department on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency , which exposed VW 's alleged wrong last September .

  29. 在2010年美国司法部开始打击之前,包括谷歌和苹果(Apple)在内的硅谷公司之间的地盘互不侵犯协议颇为猖獗。

    Anti-poaching deals between Silicon Valley companies , including Google and Apple , were rife before the US Department of Justice clamped down on them in 2010 .

  30. 美国司法部(JusticeDepartment)和其它政府部门日前加大了对数家欧洲大型银行的调查力度,以查证它们是否违反了美国对伊朗、利比亚、古巴和苏丹的制裁规定。

    The US Justice Department and other authorities have stepped up investigations into several large European banks for violating American sanctions against Iran , Libya , Cuba and Sudan .