
  • 网络Nation Museum of American Art
  1. 京晶:是啊,如果我们都起得早,那我们早餐后就去美国国立博物馆吧!

    If we both get up early , let 's hit the Smithsonian after breakfast .

  2. 佩吉.基德韦尔是美国国立博物馆数学馆的馆长。

    Peggy Kidwell is the Curator of Mathematics at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History .

  3. 具有历史意义的华盛顿国家大教堂伯利恒教堂,以及美国国立博物馆总部外的一个雕像也同样被人泼了绿漆。

    Green paint was again discovered in the Washington National Cathedral 's historic Bethlehem Chapel and was also found on a statue outside the headquarters of the Smithsonian Institution .

  4. 如今,这包口香糖在美国国立历史博物馆中展出。

    Today , that pack of gum is on display at the National Museum of American History .