
  • 网络Ramesses II;Ramses;ramses ii;Rameses II
  1. 卜塔和神牛(Apis)神殿的遗迹与其他一些雕像一起,包括2座4米高的拉美西斯二世(RamessesII)的雪花石膏雕像都被掩埋于地下。

    The remains of the temple of Ptah and of Apis have been uncovered at the site as well as a few statues , including two four-metre ones in alabaster of Ramesses II .

  2. 马丁内斯的想法就是帮助新来者破解密码,向他们提供清晰的信息,去阐释博物馆的众多宝藏,诸如米洛岛的维纳斯、有翅膀的萨摩丝雷斯胜利女神和拉美西斯二世的巨大塑像。

    The idea is to help newcomers to crack the code , with clear information to interpret a vast trove that includes the Venus de Milo , Winged Victory of Samothrace and the colossal statue of Ramesses II .

  3. 其中不乏腥风血雨的战斗,如公元前1274年的卡迭石战役(BattleofKadesh)。但一直到拉美西斯二世,双方都没争出个高下,况且当时两方都还得面对各自的内忧外患。

    The conflict gave rise to bloody engagements like 1274 B.C. 's Battle of Kadesh , but by time of the pharaoh Ramses II neither side had emerged as a clear victor .

  4. 古埃及法老-拉美西斯二世用大块岩石所建的两栋庙宇。

    Pharaoh Ramses II built two temples here out of rock .

  5. 下面的文字提示此雕刻为拉美西斯二世的父亲塞提一世。

    An inscription indicates it depicts Seti I , father of Ramses II .

  6. 甚至拉美西斯二世都被描绘使用过khopesh。

    Even Ramses II was depicted wielding one .

  7. 原来的文字是塞提一世称号(该称号后已改为拉美西斯二世)的一部分。

    The original text is part of the titulary of Seti I , that had been changed to reference Ramsses II .

  8. 在纪念法老国王拉美西斯二世加冕典礼的声光表演上,这座拥有3200年历史的阿布辛拜勒神庙如神话般一样。

    The3200-year-old Abu Simbel temple is dramatized during a daily sound and light show on the eve of the anniversary of pharaoh king Ramses II 's coronation .

  9. 埃及法老们比如拉美西斯二世和年轻法老图坦卡蒙的安眠圣殿,几百年来一直象征着奇迹和敬畏。

    The resting places of the mighty pharaohs of Egypt , such as Ramses II and the boy king Tutankhamun , have inspired wonder and awe through centuries .

  10. 于是在公元前1259年,拉美西斯二世与赫梯国王哈图西里三世制定了一个举世闻名的和平协定。

    With both the Egyptians and Hittites facing threats from other peoples , in 1259 B.C. Ramses II and the Hittite King Hattusili III negotiated a famous peace treaty .

  11. 周五,埃及法老拉美西斯二世的巨大雕像被从熙熙攘攘的开罗广场迁往位于更僻静的大金字塔附近的新家。

    And egypt 's giant statues of Pharaoh Rames II was moved from congested downtown square in Cairo on friday , to its new home near the more peaceful Great pyramids .