
  • 网络Latin Music
  1. 全球掀起拉丁音乐热潮。

    The enthusiasm for Latin music is worldwide .

  2. 在两家酒吧之间的巷子里,一群上了年纪的人手里拿着乐器和着某种拉丁音乐的节拍演奏MyWay,一群当地人一边摇摆一边跟唱。

    In the alley between two bars , a group of older men with a few instruments performed ' My Way , ' to a Latin beat as a crowd of locals swayed and sang along .

  3. 你是唯一的非拉美裔的拉丁音乐节。

    You are the only non-latino in the Musica Latina section .

  4. 作曲家的拉丁音乐表达他们的感情他们的音乐。

    Composers of Latin music express their feelings in their music .

  5. 星期六今天下午,大声的拉丁音乐吸引了许多观众。

    This Saturday afternoon , loud Latin music attracted many spectators .

  6. 拉丁音乐是一种混合物欧洲音乐和非洲音乐。

    Latin music is a mixture of European music and African music .

  7. 莎莎是一种拉丁音乐。

    Salsa is one kind of Latin music .

  8. 十几位天资优越的音乐家飘洋过海带来纯正的拉丁音乐。

    Dozens of talented musicians across the seas to bring the pure Latin music .

  9. 拉丁音乐是很普通的国家,在那里人们使用西班牙语或葡萄牙语。

    Latin music is very common in countries where people speak Spanish or Portuguese .

  10. 跳舞的人享受拉丁音乐,因为它很容易跳舞。

    People who dance enjoy Latin music because it is easy to dance to .

  11. 她带着迷人的笑容,翩翩起舞,完全沉醉在拉丁音乐中。

    Dancing with a charming smile , she was fully absorbed in the Latin music .

  12. 随著拉丁音乐及舞蹈的再度流行,伦巴也热门了起来。

    With the resurgence of Latin music and dancing , the Rhumba is hot again .

  13. 不是哥伦比亚风或者波多黎各而是拉丁音乐你是对的你是对的

    not Columbia Puerto Rico but Latin music , Here you go , here you go

  14. 人们会玩沙沙及其他拉丁音乐在家还是他们来他们的朋友。

    People play salsa and other Latin music at home or when they visit their friends .

  15. 他特别喜欢拉丁音乐没错我们都很喜欢拉丁音乐

    He loves latin music , by the way.And yes , we love latin music and dance .

  16. 砂槌在拉丁音乐中表现形式多样,在流行乐、古典乐中也有表现力。

    Maracas are heard in many forms of Latin music and are also used in pop and classical music .

  17. 他们开着录音机放热情的拉丁音乐,互相之间哇啦哇啦地说西班牙语。

    They are opening a recorder to put enthusiastic Latin music , mutual between hullabaloo hullabaloo ground says spanish .

  18. 同时,Balvin获得4项提名:一项最佳合作和三项最佳拉丁音乐录影带奖。

    Balvin , meanwhile , has four nominations : one for best collaboration and three in the best latin category .

  19. 后来,他学习演唱,但在那时候,瑞齐对拉丁音乐并不感兴趣。

    Later , he took singing lessons , but at the time , Ricky wasn 't interested in Latin music .

  20. 了在美国有很多西班牙语的居民,拉丁音乐是其文化的重要组成部分。

    In the US , where there are many Spanish-speaking people , Latin music is a big part of the culture .

  21. 拉丁音乐在西班牙语国家始终很流行,今天全世界都知道像桑塔纳和瑞奇马丁这样的明星。

    It has always been popular in Spanish-speaking countries and today stars like Santana and Ricky Martin are known throughout the world .

  22. 优雅大气的中国古典音乐和热情奔放的拉丁音乐,都是我很喜欢的音乐类型。

    Grace , atmospheric chinese classic music and ebullient , passionate Latin music are both the music what I like very much .

  23. 与超过千位的舞者,聚会爱好者一起尽情享受舞蹈,现场氛围和北京最棒的拉丁音乐。

    Join the hundreds of dancers and partyers that come out every week for the dancing , live atmosphere , and Beijing 's best mix of Latin music !

  24. 里约热内卢建于16世纪,当时是抵御法国海盗追踪葡萄牙商路所建的堡垒。现在里约热内卢已经发展成为激情的热带之夜,动感的拉丁音乐和衣着暴露的美女的欢乐天堂。

    Founded in the 16th Century as a fortification against French pirates stalking the Portuguese trade routes , Rio has become one of those places whose very name conjures images of steamy tropical nights , sensual Latin rhythms and beautiful , scantily-clad women .

  25. 可以肯定的是,拉丁美洲音乐都充满了欢乐,这就是为什么委内瑞拉的年轻人脸上总是面露微笑的原因吧。

    Definitely , Latin American music is full of happiness . That 's why Venezuelan teenagers always have smiles on their faces .

  26. 随着主流排行榜上每一回拉丁化音乐的演播,听众越容易欣赏到艺术家们演奏属于他们自己传统类型的音乐的那份喜好和自豪感。

    With every play of Latin-influenced music on mainstream playlists , the listener hears the gusto and pride of the artist as they perform music of the genre belonging to their heritage .

  27. 空中飘荡着他最喜欢的拉丁风格的音乐ElBurrito。

    His favorite salsa music , @ El Burrito , @ was on the air .

  28. 春春因为你,我才喜欢上以前回避的拉丁,摇滚音乐。

    Chunchun , it 's because of you that I began to enjoy different style of music such as Latin and rock & roll .