
  • 网络raj;Lachish;raggi;Raji;Andrea Raggi
  1. 她母亲里拉瓦蒂•德维(LilavatiDevi)说,自己与丈夫拉吉•莫罕•辛格(RajMohanSingh)结婚时还是个孩子,丈夫比她大了几岁。

    Her mother , Lilavati Devi , says she was a child when she was married to her husband , Raj Mohan Singh , who was a few years older .

  2. 拉吉,你会来的,是吗

    " Raj , you 'll come , won 't you ?"

  3. 对这个问题,新近面世的《如果你非常聪明,为什么你不快乐?》(IfYou’reSoSmart,WhyAren’tYouHappy?)一书提出了不少很有趣的见解.这本书的作者拉吉?

    A new book , If You 're So Smart , Why Aren 't You Happy ? , offers some fascinating insights into that question , among others .

  4. 拉吉,你恋爱了,是不是

    " Raj , you 're in love aren 't you ?"

  5. 我告诉过你,她和拉吉很相配

    " I told you , she 's perfect for raj "

  6. 拉吉,这是我哥哥和嫂子

    " Raj , this is my elder brother and my sister-in-law "

  7. 不过,拉吉不是陌生人

    " But then , Raj is no stranger "

  8. 拉吉:如果我是你,我会忽略这一点。

    Raj : I 'd forget about that , if I were you .

  9. 拉吉,我找不到阿迪

    " Raj , I can 't find adi "

  10. 我知道你和拉吉都很爱对方

    " I know that you and Raj love each other very much "

  11. 拉吉,你可以当我的爸爸去学校吗

    " Raj , will you be my dad and come to school ?"

  12. 可这得要拉吉同意,对吧

    " But Raj must agree , right ?"

  13. 拉吉:不要低估你自己。

    Raj : Stop selling yourself short .

  14. 拉吉,你不会告诉别人我们的秘密基地,对吧

    " Raj , you won 't tell anyone about our hiding place , right ?"

  15. 珂赛特应当是欧福拉吉。

    For cosette , read euphrasie .

  16. 你妈妈也喜欢拉吉?

    Your mother likes Raj too ?

  17. 恩波利的后卫拉吉承认他乐于在夏天加盟拉齐奥。

    Empoli defender Andrea Raggi admits he would be interested in moving to Lazio this summer .

  18. 珂赛特应当是欧福拉吉。穆里尼奥赛后说明舍瓦腿部肌肉拉伤。

    Mourinho announced after the game that the player is suffering from a leg muscle injury .

  19. 拉吉:我觉得你穿那套衣服绝对会被淘汰。

    Raj : I think that outfit would definitely knock you out of contention for any job .

  20. 我的名字是欧福拉吉。

    My name is Euphrasie .

  21. 亚述王从拉吉差遣拉伯沙基,率领大军,往耶路撒冷到希西家王那里去。

    And the king of Assyria sent rabshakeh from Lachish to Jerusalem unto King Hezekiah with a great army .

  22. 充满创造力和机敏,在第75分钟从左路突破了拉吉,并充满信心的攻破了维维亚诺的球门。

    Creative and incisive , he left Raggi flat-footed on the goal and confident slotted past Viviano on75 minutes .

  23. 犹大王希西家差人往拉吉去见亚述王,说,我有罪了,求你离开我。

    So Hezekiah king of Judah sent this message to the king of Assyria at Lachish : 'I have done wrong .

  24. 但当她感冒时,她却不想分享她的病菌,尤其是对班级里养的宠物兔子拉吉。

    But when Logan catches a cold , she does NOT want to share her germs-especially with the class pet rabbit , Razzi .

  25. 众人就这样行,将那五王,就是耶路撒冷王,希伯仑王,耶末王,拉吉王,伊矶伦王,从洞里带出来,领到约书亚面前。

    So they brought the five kings out of the cave & the kings of Jerusalem , Hebron , Jarmuth , Lachish and Eglon .

  26. 拉伯沙基回去,正遇见亚述王攻打立拿,原来他早听见亚述王拔营离开拉吉。

    When the field commander heard that the king of Assyria had left Lachish , he withdrew and found the king fighting against Libnah .

  27. 约书亚和以色列众人从拉吉往伊矶伦去,对着伊矶伦安营,攻打这城。

    Then Joshua and all Israel with him moved on from Lachish to Eglon ; they took up positions against it and attacked it .

  28. 鸡蛋葱豆饭是从印度流传过来,那天正好是印度的拉吉日,此后在维多利亚时代的十分流行。

    Kedgeree is one of those dishes brought back from India in the days of the Raj , and was wildly popular with the Victorians .

  29. 拉吉在放雷鬼音乐,他妹妹还把鞋给脱了,简直就是卡里古拉大帝的晚年时期。

    At one point , Raj put on reggae music and his sister took off her shoes . It was like the last days of Caligula .

  30. 耶路撒冷有人背叛亚玛谢,他就逃到拉吉。叛党却打发人到拉吉将他杀了。

    They conspired against him in Jerusalem , and he fled to Lachish , but they sent men after him to Lachish and killed him there .