
  • 网络plural;How many;Plural Form of Noun
  1. 您可以告诉Exhibit如何拼写名词复数,但我没有在本例中说明。

    You can tell Exhibit how to spell the plural , but I left that out of this example .

  2. 英语名词复数变义的理解与翻译

    Comprehension and translation of the alternative meanings in special plural nouns

  3. 目前在学校教授的法语语法规则指出,法语中表示名词复数时,阳性单词“总是胜出”。

    Currently , a French grammar rule taught in schools dictates of nouns ' always wins ' .

  4. 英语中拉丁及希腊词源名词复数的表现形式

    The Plural Forms of Nouns Derived from Latin and Greek

  5. 英汉语名词复数对比研究

    A contrast study of English and Chinese plural nouns

  6. 选出括号中正确的词名词复数。

    Choose the right word in the bracket .

  7. 名词复数通常以单数加-s构成

    The plural of a noun be usually make by adding - s to the singular

  8. 摘要:英汉翻译中英语名词复数的汉译有多种方法选择。

    There are many ways to choose from for plural Nouns translation from English to Chinese .

  9. 当可数名词复数指特定的人物或事物时必须要用限定词。

    Plural count nouns do take a determiner when they referprecisely to particular things of people .

  10. 本研究旨在通过一项横向调查对中国大学英语学习者英语名词复数习得的状况进行初步的研究和分析。

    This is a cross-sectional study on Chinese college ESL learners ' acquisition of the plural in English nouns .

  11. 给“羊羊村”设计一个超市,并写出几个含有名词复数的句子来描述它。

    Today 's homework : Design a supermarket for Yangyang 's village , then write a few sentences about it .

  12. 从名词复数后缀、格后缀的异同看满洲语与女真语的关系

    On the Relations of Manchu and Jurchen Language from the View of Similarities and Differences in Suffixes of Plural Nouns and Cases

  13. 规则的简化与统一是一种涉及名词复数的特殊形式的自然的形态规则变化。

    Rule simplification and regularization : Rule simplification and regularization are a type of spontaneous morphological rule change that involves exceptional plural forms of nouns .

  14. 本文结合实例,说明了名词复数的翻译可以用省译法,增词法和重复法,以及几种方法分别如何运用。

    This article illustrates that we may adopt omission in translation , addition in translation and repetition in translation in plural Nouns translation practice , and how these methods are applied appropriately .

  15. 在细化讨论中,不难发现拼写错误,动词错误,名词复数错误,冠词错误和主谓一致错误为最显著的。

    In the specific classification of errors , we may get the result that the most obvious errors are spelling errors , verb errors , plural errors of nouns , article errors and the errors of predicate and verb .

  16. 本文主要研究与量词和名词复数标记相关的两个问题:(1)量词性语言中的名词是否有可数不可数之分;(2)量词与复数标记能否共现。

    This thesis mainly deals with two questions related to classifiers and plural markers : ( 1 ) Is there any count / mass distinction of nouns in CLs ? ( 2 ) Can classifier and plural marker co-occur ?

  17. 对具体的错误定性分析,还显示动词时态、名词复数、句子结构、冠词和介词等错误易受母语干扰。

    Through the qualitative error analysis , the paper discovers that the students ' uses of verb tenses , plural forms of nouns , sentence structures , articles , prepositions and cognate words are liable to be affected by their mother tongue .

  18. oxen这个名词是复数。

    The noun " oxen " is plural in number .

  19. 非英语母语人士将英语母语人士视为没有复数形式的名词以复数形式使用(informations,knowledges,advices)。

    Nouns that are not plural in native-speaker English are used as plurals by non-native speakers ( informations , knowledges , advices ) .

  20. 在词尾加s构成名词的复数。

    Form the plural of a noun by adding ` s '

  21. 有些以‘s’结尾的名词只有复数的形式。

    Some nouns ending in 's'are only used in the plural .

  22. 这些名词的复数形式可能会造成困难。

    The plural forms of these nouns can cause difficulty .

  23. 数据库的表会使用名词的复数形式命名。

    Database tables will be named with plural nouns .

  24. 名词变成复数时有哪几种变化形式?

    How to form the Plural Form of nouns ?

  25. 试用以下单数名词的复数式来填充空格。

    Give the plural of each singular noun below .

  26. 试写出以下单数名词的复数式。

    A.Give the plural of the following singular nouns .

  27. 通过两个实验论述单数可数名词和复数可数名词的标记性。

    Themarked effects of singular and plural countable nouns are explored by two experiments .

  28. 给出这个名词的复数形式。

    Give the plural form of this noun .

  29. 写出以下不规则名词的复数形式。

    Write the irregular plurals of these nouns .

  30. 令人愉快的,图表,分开,一张,单数名词,复数名词。

    Pleasant , chart , separate , sheet , singular nouns , plural nouns .