
  1. 与Java语言中任何静态方法一样,Ruby模块方法的调用方式是在模块名后加一个点再加方法名。

    Like a static method in the Java language , you invoke a Ruby module 's method by following the module name with a dot and the name of the method .

  2. 在您开始键入文件名后,可以按Esc键,Shell将完成文件名,或完成尽可能多的部分。

    After you start typing the name of a file , you can click Escape , and the shell fills in the name of the file & or as much as it can .

  3. 一是姓前名后。

    One , the family name is before the first name .

  4. 论文摘要同正文一样,应在物种名后附加拉丁学名;

    The names of persons denominating species are omitted except in papers on categorization .

  5. 他在100米短跑中获得第一名后,同班同学为他欢呼。

    His classmates cheered for him after he won the first prize in the100-meter dash .

  6. 一个标题,命令名后是使用圆括号括起的章节号

    A heading with the name of the command followed by its section number in parentheses

  7. 直接进入英文起名界面后选择您要的英文名后添加倒收藏就可。

    English name : Go directly to the English naming interface and select your name then add to favorite .

  8. 设置/返回一个值,该值确定当用户在函数名后键入左括号时参数列表是否弹出。

    Sets / returns value determining whether argument list pops up when user types open parenthesis after function name .

  9. 方法:2002年3月~2005年9月对30名后足严重病损患者行三关节融合术。

    Methods : Between March 2002 and September 2005 , triple arthrodesis was performed in 30 patients with serious lesions in hindfoot .

  10. 老实讲,在一年前上海站获得第2名后,我就期待着归队。

    To be honest , after finishing second in Shanghai one year ago , I was expecting the call up last season .

  11. 他的早期作品说明他是一名后印象派画家。

    He was a post-impressionist painter whose early works , like The Potato Eaters , portray peasant life in somber , dark colors .

  12. 在获取文件名后,下一步是获取该文件中包含的所有函数。

    After the file name is obtained , the next step should be to get all the functions that are present in this file .

  13. 为了调用方法,并使其发挥作用,只需输入函数名后接圆括号即可。

    To invoke , or call the method and have it do its work & you enter the name of the function , followed by parentheses .

  14. 令人尊敬的。在屈居世界足球先生和欧洲金球奖两项评选的第二名后,亨利在五月摘得英国足球记者协会和英超球员协会评选的年度最佳球员的两项桂冠。

    After finishing second in the World and European Player of the Year polls , Thierry won the Football Writers and PFA Player of the Year awards in May .

  15. 同时,老穆也透漏,在转会窗口关闭前,自己想买入2名后为来补充自己的阵容。

    Mourinho , meanwhile , has revealed he would like to add " two more defenders " to his squad before the transfer window closes at the end of the month .

  16. 文件或目录的绝对路径的组成为:在0个或多个目录名后附加一个/,其中每个目录名的后面都有一个/,然后是一个最终文件名。

    The absolute path to a file or directory consists of a / followed by series of zero or more directory names , each followed by another / and then a final name .

  17. 这一次速度的爆发被证明是一次虚幻的黎明&初夏之前,阿隆索只能在轻油下在前十名后部分发车,接着在正赛中掉到中游。

    That burst of speed proved a false dawn – by early summer Alonso could only manage low top-10 starts however lightly-fuelled the car was , and that led to midfield slumps in the races .

  18. 方法28名外伤后嗅觉功能障碍患者行MRI检查。

    Methods Twenty-eight patients with post-trauma dysosmia underwent MR examination .

  19. 如果我们从NSOL符号(文件名)后获得该符号,则意味着以上文件名遇到一个函数。

    If we get this symbol after an N_SOL symbol ( file name ), it means a function is encountered for the above file name .

  20. 事情发生经过如下,六零年间嬉皮年代,当JuneCampbell在苏格兰家乡成为一名佛教徒后,她接着就旅行到印度并在那里出家成为比丘尼。

    What happened was that , having become a Buddhist in her native Scotland in the hippie Sixties , she travelled to India where she became a nun .

  21. 目的TTV是从一名输血后肝炎病人血清中分离出的一种新型DNA病毒。

    Objective TTV ( transfusion transmitted virus ) is a novel DNA virus which was isolated from the serum of a patient suffered from posttransfusion hepatitis . TTV infection is common in the different populations .

  22. 中国式功能性语言沟通能力检查法(CFCP)和改良波士顿诊断性失语症评测法(BDAE)同时应用于20名中风后失语患者的检测。

    Chinese functional communication profile ( CFCP ) and Boston diagnostic aphasia examination ( BDAE ) were used in comparision to examine aphasic patients following stroke .

  23. 《英国癌症杂志》(BJC)对50万名绝经后的妇女的一项研究发现一天吃四分之一的水果使几率提高了30%。

    A study in the British Journal of Cancer ( BJC ) of 500,000 post-menopausal women found that eating a quarter of the fruit a day increased the risk by 30 % .

  24. 增加500名用户后处理器使用率仅增加了8%。

    Increase in500 users led to only an8 percent increase in processor utilization .

  25. 被认可成为一名供货商后,还有什么要注意的?

    Anything else once I 'm an approved vendor ?

  26. 成都市340名绝经后妇女骨质疏松发病情况调查及影响因素探讨

    Study on Morbidity and Relative Factors of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis in 340 Women in Chengdu

  27. 球射中一名后卫后反弹进网。

    The ball hit one of the defender and was deflected into the net .

  28. 我以为在它指示我们杀死一名议员后我就说得很清楚了。

    I thought I made that clear after it instructed us to kill a congressman .

  29. 以第七名结束后,你还把最好的球员之一卖掉。

    You take one of the best players out of a team that 's finished seventh .

  30. Chi-演算是将π-演算中两类受限名统一后得到的。

    The Chi calculus is obtained from the π calculus by unifying two classes of restricted names .