
  • 网络seed propagation;seedling propagation
  1. 裸露尾矿条件下,无论采用实生繁殖还是植物促生菌接种,金属耐性植物都难以生长。

    In the conditions of bare tailings , tolerant plants were hard to grow , whether using seed propagation or inoculating plant growth promotion bacteria .

  2. 由于长期的实生繁殖,它有许多变异类型。

    Because of the long self propagation by seeds , they have variant types .

  3. 实生繁殖、经营管理粗放是造成板栗产量低、品质差的重要因素。

    Seeding propagation and extensive management were important factors that resulted in low yield and poor quality .

  4. 但由于锥栗长期采用实生繁殖,遗传背景复杂,生产上常出现同物异名和同名异物现象,造成品种类型的分类混乱;

    Because of long-term grown directly from seed reproduction , its heredity background is complex and varieties are confused .

  5. 多年来均用实生繁殖,但因种子具有深休眠特性,出苗率极低。

    It has propagated itself by seeds for many years , but because of the long dormancy of the seeds , the rate of emergence is too low .

  6. 由于河北省的核桃生产目前还大多沿用实生繁殖和传统的粗放经营方式,所以产量低、品质差。

    In Hebei province , the traditional and extensive management of walnut culture is still being widely practiced , resulting in inferior quality and low yield per unit area .

  7. 本文综述了番石榴的繁殖技术。番石榴的繁殖技术有实生苗繁殖、压条繁殖、嫁接繁殖、扦插繁殖四种方式。

    This paper reviews the techniques of the reproduction of guava , including seedling , layering , grafting , and cuttage .

  8. 同时这一时期在植物嫁接成活的生理机制研究、嫁接技术、树木移栽、良种选育与新品种培育、实生苗繁殖技术等方面取得了一定的成就,使清代的树木栽培技术更加完善和成熟。

    Some progress was also made in such areas as research on survival mechanism of plants grafting , grafting technology , tree transplanting , seed selection and artificial seedling propagation , turning the tree planting technology during this period into a stage of consummation and maturity .

  9. 选用皱壳棉实生苗的微繁殖系幼枝和茎的节段作为诱导离体开花的外植体。

    Shoots and stem nodes of the micropropagated clones of Gossypium costulatum were used as explants , which were cultured to flowering in vitro .

  10. 柑桔实生树的遗传动态与实生繁殖和实生选种问题云南板栗实生选种

    Dynamic aspects of inheritance of the citrus seedlings , and the problems of propagation and breeding the seed selection of chestnut in Yunnan