- experimental epidemiology

Method Field epidemiology and experimental epidemiology investigation were conducted on the outbreak centre .
Objective : To evaluate the significance of experimental epidemiology in the transmission of leprosy through detecting the infection with M. Leprae among leprosy patients , household contacts and normal population in leprosy endemic area .
Laboratory ; Methods Using the field experimental epidemiological method .
An Experimental Epidemiologic Study of Salt Intake on Hypertensives
Epidemiological study on the influence of pig derived Ascaris to the transmission of human ascariasis
Method : With the epidemic investigation , the 121 patients were divided into contrast and intervene group in random . Then we interfere with the group of NIDDM .
Methods Using the epidemiologic methods of intervention , to compare the effect of Se supplement , Vit C supplement and cereals dryness on KBD 's treatment .
Methods Field epidemiological methods were used in the observation .
Background : A number of animal experiments and epidemiological data revealed that there was a causal relationship between chronic inflammation and tumorigenesis .
Animal experiments and epidemiology investigations indicated that Mg ~ ( 2 + ) was deficit in aged animals . Aging also led to the decrease of absorption of Mg ~ ( 2 + ) .
Experimental , clinical and epidemiological evidence indicates that exposure to environmental agents may contribute to the pathogenesis of PD .
Comprehensively analyze and expound the different recognition about the theory of The lung corresponding to autumn with theoretical study method combined with genetic method , and with proper modern experimental results and the study results of epidemiology .
In the first part of the study , clinical and pathological data of 166 cases of colorectal carcinoma were collected , and patients postoperative life quality , treatment , and survival time were followed by means of epidemiological methods .
The first part involved in animal experiment , clinical study and investigation of epidemiologic Problems .