
  • 网络Cush
  1. 我已经使埃及作你的赎价,使古实和西巴代替你。

    I give Egypt for your ransom , Cush and Seba in your stead .

  2. 古实又生宁录,他是地上最早的勇士。

    And Cush begot nimrod : he began to be a mighty one on the earth .

  3. 含的儿子是古实,麦西,弗,迦南。

    The sons of ham : cush and egypt , put and canaan .

  4. 古实人岂能改变皮肤呢。豹岂能改变斑点呢。

    Can the Ethiopian change his skin , or the leopard his spots ?

  5. 古实和埃及是她无穷的力量。弗人和路比族是她的帮手。

    Ethiopia was her strength and Egyptians without number ; put and Lubim were her helpers .

  6. 古实又生宁录,他为世上英雄之首。

    And Cush begat nimrod : he began to be a mighty one in the earth .

  7. 古实人、路比人的军队不是甚大吗?战车马兵不是极多吗?

    Were not the Ethiopians and the Libyans a huge army with very many chariots and horsemen ?

  8. 以色列人必因所仰望的古实、所夸耀的埃及、惊惶羞愧。

    Those who trusted in Cush and boasted in Egypt will be afraid and put to shame .

  9. 埃及的公侯要出来朝见神.古实人要急忙举手祷告。

    Princes shall come out of Egypt ; Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God .

  10. 古实人哪,你们必被我的刀所杀。

    " You too , O Cushites , will be slain by my sword . "( Against Assyria )

  11. 第二道河名叫基训,就是环绕古实全地的。

    The name of the second river is the Gihon ; it winds through the entire land of Cush .

  12. 于是耶和华使古实人败在亚撒和犹大人面前,古实人就逃跑了。

    So the LORD sent fear on the Ethiopians before ASA and judah ; and the Ethiopians went in flight .

  13. 亚述王听见人论古实王特哈加说,他出来要与你争战。亚述王一听见,就打发使者去见希西家,吩咐他们说。

    And he heard say concerning Tirhakah king of Ethiopia , He is come forth to make war with thee .

  14. 以后,耶和华激动非利士人和靠近古实的亚拉伯人来攻击约兰。

    The Lord aroused against Jehoram the hostility of the Philistines and of the Arabs who lived near the Cushites .

  15. 第二股名基训河,它环绕流经古实全境。

    The name of the second river is Gihon ; this is the one which encircles all the land of Cush .

  16. 撒督的儿子亚希玛斯又对约押说,无论怎样,求你也让我随着古实人跑去。

    Then Ahimaaz the son of Zadok said yet again to joab , but come what may , let me also run after the cushite .

  17. 耶和华说,我仆人以赛亚怎样露身赤脚行走三年,作为关乎埃及和古实的豫兆奇迹。

    And the Lord said , like as my servant Isaiah hath walked naked and barefoot three years for a sign and wonder upon Egypt and upon ethiopia ;

  18. 我要题起拉哈伯,和巴比伦人是在认识我之中的,看哪,非利士,和推罗,并古实人,个个生在那里。

    I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me : behold Philistia , and Tyre , with Ethiopia ; this man was born there .

  19. 因为我是耶和华你的神,是以色列的圣者你的救主。我已经使埃及作你的赎价,使古实和西巴代替你。

    For I am the LORD thy god , the holy one of israel , thy saviour : I gave Egypt for thy ransom , Ethiopia and Seba for thee .

  20. 示撒带战车一千二百辆,马兵六万,并且跟从他出埃及的路比人,苏基人,和古实人,多得不可胜数。

    With twelve hundred war-carriages and sixty thousand horsemen : and the people who came with him out of Egypt were more than might be numbered : Lubim and Sukkiim and Ethiopians .

  21. 亚哈随鲁作王,从印度直到古实,统管一百二十七省。

    Now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus ,( this is Ahasuerus which reigned , from India even unto Ethiopia , over an hundred and seven and twenty provinces : )

  22. 他必把持埃及的金银财宝和各样的宝物。吕彼亚人和古实人都必跟从他。

    But he will have power over the stores of gold and silver , and over all the valued things of the south : and the Libyans and the Ethiopians will be at his steps .

  23. 古实人,弗人(或作利比亚人),路德人,杂族的人民,并古巴人,以及同盟之地的人都要与埃及人一同倒在刀下。

    Ethiopia , and Libya , and Lydia , and all the mingled people , and Chub , and the men of the land that is in league , shall fall with them by the sword .

  24. 所以我必与你并你的江河为敌,使埃及地,从色弗尼塔直到古实境界,全然荒废凄凉。

    Behold , therefore I am against thee , and against thy rivers , and I will make the land of Egypt utterly waste and desolate , from the tower of Syene even unto the border of Ethiopia .

  25. 在王宫的太监古实人以伯米勒,听见他们将耶利米下了牢狱(那时王坐在便雅悯门口)

    Now when Ebedmelech the Ethiopian , one of the eunuchs which was in the king 's house , heard that they had put Jeremiah in the dungeon ; the king then sitting in the gate of Benjamin ;

  26. 马匹上去吧。车辆急行吧。勇士,就是手拿盾牌的古实人和弗人,并拉弓的路德族,都出去吧。

    Go up , you horses ; go rushing on , you carriages of war ; go out , you men of war : cush and put , gripping the body-cover , and the ludim , with bent bows .

  27. 到那日必有使者坐船、从我面前出去、使安逸无虑的古实人惊惧.必有痛苦临到他们、好像埃及遭灾的日子一样.看哪、这事临近了。

    In that day shall messengers go forth from me in ships to make the careless Ethiopians afraid , and great pain shall come upon them , as in the day of Egypt : for , lo , it cometh .

  28. 必有刀剑临到埃及。在埃及被杀之人仆倒的时候,古实人就有痛苦,人民必被掳掠,基址必被拆毁。

    And the sword shall come upon Egypt , and great pain shall be in Ethiopia , when the slain shall fall in Egypt , and they shall take away her multitude , and her foundations shall be broken down .

  29. 陕鄂边界古长城考实

    A research on the ancient Great Wall on the border of Shaanxi and Hubei

  30. 外华官族做为世界上最古大的实族,收亮了非常残暴的己类文亮,遗留上了非常丰亡的土遗址。

    As one of the world 's most ancient nations , Chinese has created a very brilliant human civilization and left many Earth sites .