
  • 网络west Asia
  1. 古代西亚的创世神话起源自苏美尔文明时期。

    The mythological creation of ancient west Asia was originated from Sumerian civilization period .

  2. 论古代西亚和北非文明中的几种回忆模式

    The Patterns of Remembrance in the Ancient West-Asian and North-African Civilizations

  3. 试论古希伯来《旧约》文学中神人关系的悖反&与古代西亚两河流域文学比较的视野

    On the contradiction of the relationship between gods and human beings in the Hebrew Old Testament in view of comparison & with ancient Mesopotamian literature

  4. 可以说,是苏美尔人、巴比伦人、亚述人、赫梯人以及希伯来人共同缔造了古代西亚的民事规范。

    In the ancient Near East , these civil norms were enacted by the Sumerians together with the Old Babylonian , the Assyrian , the Hittite and the Hebrew .

  5. 它既代表了古代西亚地区最早法律文明的昌盛水平,也成为探究民法起源时的首要环节。

    It reveals the objective laws governing the development of the earliest legal civilization in ancient Near East , becoming the first link to explore the origin of civil law in the whole history of the human beings .

  6. 古代西亚民法的法律文献是很丰富的,有着各种各样的类型,诸如法典、王室敕令、行政法令、民间契约文书、私人信件以及法律教本等文献。

    The history of Near East is particularly rich in sources of civil law , both in quantity and type , such as law codes , edicts , administrative orders , private legal documents , private letters and scholastic documents .

  7. 在古代的西亚、非洲各国的造型艺术中都能找到大量的狮子形象。

    There are many lion images in the statue arts of ancient West-Asia and Africa .