
  • 网络MAA;American Mathematical Society;The Mathematical Association of America
  1. 数学奥林匹克夏季训练计划是一个为期三周的数学集训营,由美国数学协会举办,学员可以直接参加囯际锦标赛,而且对拿到名次的学员免费。

    The Math Olympiad Summer Training Program is a three-week math camp held by the Mathematical Association of America that leads straight to the international championship and is free for those who make it .

  2. 根据美国数学协会竞赛主任马克·索尔的说法,在50年的数学竞赛史中,除几个女孩外,没有任何一个非裔美国人或西班牙裔学生参加过数学奥林匹克小组。

    According to Mark Saul , the director of competitions for the Mathematical Association of America , not a single African-American or Hispanic student --- and only a handful of girls --- has ever made it to the Math Olympiad team in its 50 years of existence .

  3. 美国国家数学教师协会在其《学校数学的原则和标准:讨论稿》(1998)中制定了小学数学的公平原则、课程原则、教学原则、学习原则、评价原则和技术原则。

    In the work principles and standards for school mathematics : discussion draft , the NCTM constituted a set of six principles : equity principle , mathematical curriculum principle , teaching principle , learning principle , assessment principle and technology principle .

  4. 在美国,全国数学教师协会说,教师在每个层次应该支持使用计算器。

    In the United states , the National Council of teachers of Mathematics says teachers at every level should support the use of calculators .