
  • 网络Amtrak
  1. 四年前,远离家乡的我乘坐了一趟从匹兹堡到费城的火车。这是美国铁路公司(Amtrak)一种比较现代化的灰色列车,太阳投下的光影在白色座位上缓慢地移动着。

    Four years ago , far from home while riding a train from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia one of the more modern gray Amtrak trains the sun spots moved slowly on the white seats .

  2. 美国铁路公司因为热浪提高了铁轨的内部温度正在放缓沿东北走廊的列车速度。

    Amtrak is slowing down at a train along North-East corridor because the heat wave is driving up the internal temperature of the rails .

  3. 美国铁路调度集中系统对我国铁路发展CTC的启示

    Inspirations of U.S. Railway Centralized Dispatching System on Developing CTC in China Railways

  4. 如何组织完成美国铁路协会(AAR)质量认证工作

    How to Organize and Complete AAR Quality Authentication

  5. 介绍了在美国铁路罐车上采用的无损伤技术(DT),以及为了确保安全所采用的运行环境监控系统。

    Described are the non destructive flaw detection technology ( NDT ) applied on railway tank cars in U.S.A. , as well as the operation environment monitoring system to ensure safety .

  6. 嗨,芬.我问你一个问题.你怎么看Amtrak公司(“美铁”,美国铁路客运公司)?

    Hey , Fin . Let me ask you a question . What do you think of Amtrak ?

  7. 曾有过非洲投资经验的美国铁路投资人亨利波斯纳(henryposner)表示,据报道,中国出口至非洲国家的一些柴油机车还存在可靠性问题。

    According to Henry Posner , a US-based railway investor with experience of Africa , reliability problems have also been reported with some Chinese-built diesel locomotives exported to African countries .

  8. 欧洲人对投资美国铁路也极感兴趣。

    Europe also caught the excitement of investing in American railroads .

  9. 美国铁路发展史上的政府管制问题探讨

    Discussion on Government Control in the History of US Railway Development

  10. 美国铁路土木工程协会&其宗旨与功能

    The American Railway Engineering Association Its Purpose and Functions

  11. 加拿大和美国铁路的公益性运输

    Canadian and American Public - benefit Railway Transport

  12. 美国铁路内燃机油评定方法

    Evaluation tests for railroad diesel oil in USA

  13. 美国铁路润滑的某些趋向

    Some Trends of Railway Lubrication in USA

  14. 美国铁路柴油机油的综述

    Overview of American Railway Diesel Lubricating Oil

  15. 美国铁路罐车的发展(待续)

    Credit Metrics developed by J. Railway Tank Cars in U.S.A. ( To Be Continued )

  16. 笔记中描述了针对美国铁路系统的阴谋和袭击美国的重要性。

    It describes plots against the U.S. rail system and the importance of attacking the U.S.

  17. 阐述了美国铁路钳夹车的技术性能特点。

    The characteristics of the technical performance of schnabel cars in the American Railway are expounded .

  18. 从美国铁路的盛衰论我国铁路的发展

    Looking at Development of Chinese Railway in the Light of Prosperity and Decline of American Railways

  19. 美国铁路交通破落是一件我想忘也忘不了的事。

    The rundown rail services of America are something I try , vainly , to forget .

  20. 本文概述美国铁路柴油机润滑、监控与轮轨润滑等方面的动向。

    This paper gives an outline of diesel lubrication , monitoring and wheel-rail lubrication for railway in USA.

  21. 美国铁路主型货车及其主要零部件的发展

    Development of Main Type Railway Freight Cars and Their Main Parts and Components in the United States

  22. 他表示,对美国铁路网路的恐怖主义袭击将扰乱全国的商业活动。

    He says a terrorist attack on the U.S. rail network could disrupt commerce across the country .

  23. 介绍美国铁路车钩缓冲装置的发展过程、结构特点及运用情况。

    Described are the development process , structure features and operation of the railway coupler draft gears in U.S.A.

  24. 经过几十年无法阻止的下滑之后,最近美国铁路网络的运费开始复苏。

    The freight side of the US rail network has recently undergone a revival after decades of seemingly unstoppable decline .

  25. 这就使该企业有可能在美国铁路上推广使用更加环保型的技术。

    That could lead the industry to move toward the use of even more environmentally friendly technology on America 's railways .

  26. 民主党参议员查尔斯·舒默表示,联邦政府没有进行美国铁路安全检查的资金。

    Democratic Senator Charles Schumer says the federal government does not have the funds to oversee the safety of US railroads .

  27. 本文介绍了在气冲造型线上生产平板类铸钢件的铸造工艺。用该工艺生产的平板类铸钢件,尺寸精度、外观质量和内在质量均符合产品技术要求,达到了美国铁路协会AAR。

    Technology of plate type steel castings produced by air impact molding line has been introduced with products meeting standard of AAR .

  28. 是的,你没有看错。美国铁路公司经常会提供免费的火车乘坐机会给一些幸运的乘客,让他们去旅行时在火车上写作。

    That 's right , Amtrak is offering several lucky riders free , long-distance train trips to work on their writing while they ride .

  29. 美国铁路运输公司,美国中的最大的铁路公司之一,也打破了分析员对于收入和销售的评估。

    CSX Corp. , one of the largest railroad companies in the United States , also beat analyst estimates on both earnings and sales .

  30. 到19世纪末,美国铁路总长达到20万英里将区域市场连接整合成了全国性的大市场

    By the end of the 19th Century , America has 200000 miles of railroad track , linking the local markets and creating a national economy .