
  • 网络sorority
  1. 她进入大学后就加入了庞大的姊妹会。

    When she went to college , she joined a large sorority .

  2. 耶稣小兄弟会和耶稣小姊妹会

    Little Brothers of Jesus and Little Sisters of Jesus

  3. 盲眼姊妹会具有一段悠久而高傲的历史。

    The Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye has a long and distinguished history .

  4. 你的兄弟或姊妹会认为他(她)是家里的独子。

    Your brother or sister thinks he or she is an only child .

  5. 圣约瑟安老院〔安贫小姊妹会〕

    St. Joseph 's Home for the Aged [ Little Sisters of the Poor ]

  6. 如今,姊妹会的守护者不是死掉,就是在荒野中失散了。

    Now the last defenders of the Sisterhood are either dead or scattered throughout the wilderness .

  7. 如果您无法杀死血鸦,恐怕我们姊妹会就会永远消失。

    If you fail to destroy Blood Raven , I fear that our Order will perish forever .

  8. 你们来自地球内部的兄弟姊妹会在此事提供相当多帮助。

    You brothers and sisters from Inner Earth will also help a great deal with this matter .

  9. 在家中,所有的兄弟姊妹会互相安慰互相鼓励。

    At this Home , all brothers and sisters will comfort each other and cheer up each other .

  10. 您所做的一切我们无以为报,我只尽快重建姊妹会。

    We owe you a debt we can never repay . I only hope that in time we will be able to rebuild our Order .

  11. 当她们开始堕落,并攻击还存活的萝格们时,盲目之眼姊妹会的建立已被动摇。

    The foundations of the sisters of the sightless eye were rocked when their own became tainted and began to take up arms against the surviving rogues .