
  • 网络American Film Institute;AFi
  1. 今年由美国电影学会的电影评审总监是TomPollock,担任电视剧评审总监的是RichardFrank。

    This year 's juries were chaired by AFI board of trustees vice chairs Tom Pollock ( for film ) and Richard Frank ( for TV ) .

  2. 美国电影学会年度电视剧奖

    AFI TV Programs of the Year

  3. PBS的“越南战争”赢得美国电影学会颁发的特别奖。

    PBS ' ' Vietnam War ' series receives a special award .

  4. 该片入围美国电影学会AFIPROJECT:20/20项目,该项目在世界范围内通过推介电影人才推动文化交流。

    Icons was chosen to be part of the prestigious AFI PROJECT : 20 / 20 program , which promotes cultural exchange by showcasing cinematic talent from around the world .

  5. 美国电影学会年度电影奖

    AFI Movies of the Year

  6. 美国电影学会选出了十部本年度最佳电影和电视剧。

    The American Film Institute has picked its 10 best movies and TV shows of the year .

  7. 后窗获得了四项奥斯卡提名,在美国电影学会100年100部电影作品中,后窗排在了第42位。

    It received four Academy Award nominations and was ranked \# 42 on the American Film Institute's100 Years ... 100 Movies list .

  8. 盖博被誉为“好莱坞之王”,曾被美国电影学会提名为“百年百大明星”。

    Nicknamed " The King of Hollywood , " Gable is considered the seventh Greatest Male Star of All Time by the American Film Institute .

  9. 据路透社报道,美国电影学会于周一宣布,将授予演员摩根•弗里曼终身成就奖,并称其为“美国的财富”。

    Actor Morgan Freeman will receive a lifetime achievement award from the American Film Institute , the AFI said on Monday , calling him an " American treasure ," Reuters reported .

  10. 盖博曾凭《一夜风流》获奥斯卡最佳男主角,61年后,大导斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格买下盖博的奖杯并赠给了美国电影学会。

    The Best Actor in a Leading Role Oscar he won for It Happened One Night was purchased by Steven Spielberg sixty two years later and donated to the Motion Picture Academy .

  11. 尽管连中学毕业证都没有,阿尔仍是功勋累累:2006年,阿尔成为三一学院哲学系的荣誉赞助,同年,身为票房保证的他获得西塞尔·德米尔终身成就奖以及美国电影学会的终身成就奖。

    Despite dropping out of high school , Pacino was awarded Honorary Patronage of Trinity College 's Philosophical Society in 2006 . Pacino continues to be a box office draw and received the Cecil B. DeMille Award for Lifetime Achievement and the American Film Institute 's Life Achievement Award in 2006 .