
měi guān
  • beautiful;artistic;be pleasing to the eye;pleasing to the eye;be beautiful to look at;beautiful to look at
美观 [měi guān]
  • [be pleasing to the eye;be beautiful to look at] 外形好看;漂亮

美观[měi guān]
  1. 使各种护理文件及护理表格达到清晰、美观、格式规范。

    It makes various nursing documents and tables clear , pleasing to the eye and normalizing ;

  2. 完成创意设计的完稿制作,保证设计作品的整体美观性,达到完美的视觉表达效果。

    Finish the full version of creating ; make sure it is pleasing to the eye with great visual expression .

  3. 这栋建筑毫不美观,甚至可以说难看。

    It 's an unattractive building , ugly even .

  4. 他们的家具美观多于实用。

    Their furniture was more aesthetic than functional .

  5. 着装要整洁美观,适合于这份工作。

    Dress neatly and attractively in an outfit appropriate to the job

  6. 这家公司生产经久耐穿、外形美观且价格合理的服装。

    The company makes wearable , beautifully cut clothes at affordable prices .

  7. 邻居们的花园整洁美观。

    The neighbours ' gardens were trim and neat .

  8. 这所房子是一幢造型美观的四层砖砌建筑物。

    The house was a handsome four-story brick structure .

  9. 他们想设计一种既美观又实用的机械。

    They wanted to design a machine that was both attractive and practical .

  10. 我不知道世界上还有哪个商店的经营品种如此繁多,陈列如此美观。

    I know no store anywhere in the world that has such variety and display

  11. 增建一个平顶房既不会使房子增值也不会使其更美观。

    A flat-roofed extension will add nothing to the value or appearance of the house .

  12. 那个房间的风格是体现康兰“美观和实用”观念的典范。

    The room 's style exemplifies Conran 's ideal of ' beauty and practicality ' .

  13. 克利夫是讲究衣着整洁美观的人。

    Cliff was a natty dresser .

  14. 即便是在最干净的房子里,地毯也需要定期清洁以保持美观。

    Even in the most spotless homes , carpets need regular cleaning to keep them looking good .

  15. 摆满了食物的桌子显得非常美观。

    The table spread with food made a goodly sight .

  16. 那张扶手椅坐起来舒服,但不太美观。

    That armchair is comfortable but not very aesthetic .

  17. 这些学校建筑具备坚实而朴素的建筑感染力,并且将在多年内使人看上去感到舒畅美观。

    These school buildings have a strong , simple architectural appeal and will be a pleasure to look at for many years .

  18. 所有的隔离方法都有可能在美观方面使人难以接受,或甚至是肮脏的。

    All isolation techniques may be aesthetically unacceptable or even dirty .

  19. 对于许多不同的现场条件,分段施工都能提供美观,颇有魄力的桥型结构。

    Segmental construction contributes toward aesthetically pleasing structures in many different sites .

  20. 包装完好无损,很美观。

    The packages are intact . The packing is beautiful .

  21. 房间布置得很美观。

    The room is artistically decorated .

  22. 舒适度、美观性无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Comfort and aesthetics were not statistically significant ( P0.05 ) .

  23. 机器外形美观,微电脑(PLC)可编程序控制,光电传感。

    The machine contour is artistic , Microcomputer ( PLC ) programmable control , Photoelectricity sensing .

  24. 等宽K型方管节点是一种外形美观、制作方便、承载力高的节点形式。

    The directly welded K-type RHS-joints have the advantages of beautiful shape , manufacture and high load-carrying capacity .

  25. 结论眼球摘除术后植入HA义眼座,提高了眼球运动效果和面部美观程度,效果较好。

    Conclusion The HA orbital implant can achieve a good effect in the motility and cosmetic appearance of prosthesis .

  26. 保鲜贮藏90天以内。对固形物影响不大,不仅降低了柑桔酸度,增加了全糖和维生素C的含量,而且表皮光泽鲜艳美观。

    The 90 days Storage treatments had less effect on soluble solids , but reduced acidity , increased total sugar and vitamin C and kept fruit coat bright and beautiful .

  27. 弹性树脂固位体与PMMA基托联合应用改善传统活动义齿的美观

    Elastic resin retainer used with PMMA base plate to improve the esthetics of traditional removable partial denture

  28. 充分利用Flash界面美观的优点,可以使工业软件的界面更加美观,更加人性化。

    Making full use of the beautiful interface of flash to make the interface of engineering software more pretty and more hommization . 4 .

  29. 如果模型无法如实地展示签入到版本控制库中的代码,那么这个UML图构造的再美观也毫无意义。

    A beautifully constructed UML diagram means nothing if the code that 's checked into the version-control repository is not accurately represented in the model .

  30. 该程序拥有友好、美观、简便的Windows界面,而且效率高、易维护,包含了丰富的数据和一定的专家经验。

    This system has friendly , beautiful , convenient Windows interface and has the characterisitic of high efficiency and is easy to maintenance , which including abundant data and some expert experience .