
  • 网络superconducting accelerator
  1. 超导加速器CW模式的高阶模初步分析

    Primary study of high order mode for superconducting accelerator under CW operation

  2. 用于重离子超导加速器的低β加速腔的最佳选择是四分之一波长谐振腔(QWR)。

    The best choice of the acceleration cavity for heavy ion superconducting accelerator is quarter wave resonator ( QWR ) .

  3. 针对北京大学超导加速器实验装置(PKU-SCAF)中两个9壳超导加速腔的冷却问题进行了研究。

    The cooling problem of two 9-cell superconducting RF cavities for the Peking University Superconducting Accelerator Facility ( PKU-SCAF ) was studied .

  4. 连续波模式下超导加速器束流负载分析研究

    Research on the Beam Loading in the CW Superconducting Accelerator

  5. 无线电频率放射测试射频电子超导加速器

    Radio frequency emission testing ectron superconducting accelerator

  6. 超导加速器技术和光阴极技术在高平均功率自由电子激光的研究中占有重要地位。

    Superconducting accelerator and photocathode injector is the first choice for high average power free electron laser study .

  7. 超导直线加速器(SCL)效率高,束流损失少,是ADS加速器的最佳选择。

    The superconducting linac ( SCL ) is a good selection of ADS accelerator because of its high efficiency and low beam loss rate .

  8. 对超导直线加速器的分段进行了详细的研究。

    Study on the section-division of superconducting proton linac is carried out in detail .

  9. 该放大器为独立相位超导直线加速器的中β超导腔提供微波功率而开发,具有高效率、线性度好、可靠性高以及低成本的特点。

    High efficiency , linearity , reliability and low cost are the main features for this device , which is developed for intermediate beta , independently phased superconducting cavity linacs .

  10. 超导质子直线加速器的分段研究

    Study on the Section-Division of Superconducting Proton Linac

  11. 超导谐振腔是超导加速器的关键部件。

    Superconducting resonator is the important component of a superconducting accelerator .

  12. 随着大型超导核聚变装置、超导储能装置、超导强磁场装置及高能超导加速器技术参数的不断提高,大型超导磁体的应用也在加速发展中。

    Based on the requirements of the higher perimeters of large scale magnetic confinement fusion device , SMES , high magnets and high energy accelerators , the technologies of large scale superconducting magnets have been developing quickly .