
chāo dī kōnɡ
  • minimum altitude
  1. 近年来,先进电子进攻技术的不断发展给传统体制雷达带来了严重的挑战,主要包含四大威胁:电子干扰、超低空突防以及反辐射导弹和隐身技术。

    In recent years , advanced electronic attack technologies continue to challenge traditional radar system , including four major threats : electronic interference , minimum altitude breakthrough , anti-radiation missile and invisible technique .

  2. 由于运输机超低空空投属于C种飞机阶段,需要极高精度的航迹跟踪和姿态保持。

    Because the transport aircraft flies in C phase while Ultra-Low Altitude Airdrop , high-accuracy flightpath tracking and attitude hold are required .

  3. 研究了一种基于OpenGL实现飞行器超低空追击/拦截三维可视化仿真系统的方法。

    How to realize 3D visualization simulation system of low altitude chase / interception based on open graphic library ( OpenGL ) is researched .

  4. 本文系统地介绍了HN-5A(红缨五号甲)便携式超低空防空导弹系统。

    This paper describes the HN-5A man-portable air defense missile system .

  5. 随着雷达等探测跟踪技术的发展,隐身技术受到各国的高度重视。IMM理论在超低空探测与跟踪上的应用

    Along with the development of exploration and track technology by Rader etc , all countries take attention to the stealth . Application of IMM Fusion Algorithm in Super-Low-Altitude Target Detection

  6. 中国的HN-5A便携式超低空防空导弹系统

    China 's HN-5A Missile System

  7. 传统的地形轮廓匹配(TERCOM)辅助导航系统,由于其实时性差,已不能满足飞行器超低空高速的导航需要。

    The Conventional terrain contour matching ( TERCOM ) aided navigation system with poor real-time property , it can 't meet the requirements for the navigation of aircraft in low altitude and high-speed flight .

  8. 从而实现了对大机动无人机KJ-9C和超低空无人机KJ-9E飞行控制系统的动态物理模拟仿真。

    Therefore , dynamic simulation of flight control system may be carried out for the high maneuvering remote pilotless aircraft KJ-9C and the super low alt : 'ude one KJ-9E .

  9. 数字罗盘在超低空遥感平台的应用

    An Application of Digital Compass on the Small-hedgehopping Remote Sensing Platform

  10. 超低空目标定高跟踪处理算法的研究

    A research on height - fixed tracking algorithm of ultralow-altitude targets

  11. 如果它超低空飞行就会避开雷达。

    If he flies low enough , he 'll evade radar .

  12. 超低空目标与粗糙面复合散射的迭代计算

    Iterative Calculating the Composite Scattering between Hedge-hopping Target and Rough Surface

  13. 超低空目标侦察与数字化火控技术的发展前景

    Development Prospect of Zero Feet Target Reconnaissance and Digitizer Fire Control

  14. 超低空导弹引信抗海杂波干扰的信号提取方法

    Information extracting method of extra-low-altitude missile fuse anti-jamming sea clutter

  15. 本文介绍长空超低空无人驾驶飞机的飞行控制系统。

    The paper introduces the flight control system of the pilotless aircraft .

  16. 对超低空目标的稳定跟踪一直是舰载三坐标雷达的一个难点。

    It is difficult for shipborne 3D radars to track ultralow-altitude targets .

  17. 舰空导弹拦截超低空目标能力研究

    Studies on the intercept capability of ship-to-air missile to super-low altitude target

  18. 临近空间平台辅助的超低空目标无源跟踪算法

    Near-space platform aided passive tracking algorithm for super-low-altitude targets

  19. 舰载超低空搜索雷达设计参数选择

    Parameter selection in Shipborne ultralow coverage search radar design

  20. 超低空雷达引信信号检测方法与仿真

    Detection and simulation for signal of extra-low-altitude radar fuse

  21. 螺旋桨飞机超低空流场数值模拟方法研究

    Research on numerical simulation method of propeller-driven aircraft flow fields at low altitude

  22. 航迹规划是新一代的超低空突防技术。

    Route planning is an up-to-date technique for the very low altitude penetration .

  23. 对飞行器超低空飞行时抑制镜像干扰问题的解决有重要的参考价值。

    There is an important reference value to suppress interference of image target .

  24. 直升机超低空突防辅助系统技术研究

    Research on Helicopter Over-Low Altitude Penetration Assistant System Technology

  25. 跟踪雷达超低空目标捕获距离的精确估算方法

    An Accurate Estimation Method of Tracking Radar Acquisition Range for Hedge-hopping Low Target

  26. 它是中国最早的现代化低空和超低空防空系统。

    It is China 's first modernised low-and very low-altitude air defence system .

  27. 并利用逐级搜索法决策出理想的飞机超低空突防航迹。

    The perfect very low penetration route can be developed by heuristic research method .

  28. 超低空突防中地形跟随雷达几何误差仿真研究

    Simulation of Geometric Error of Terrain Following Radar in the Very Low Altitude Penetration

  29. 毫微秒脉冲雷达高度表的超低空静态模拟测高及其结果分析

    Analysis of a Nanosecond Pulse Radar Altimeter Simulating a Static State at ultralow Altitude

  30. 低空/超低空是现代防空火力最薄弱的空域。

    Low altitude / super low altitude is the weakest of modern air defense firepower .