
  • 网络supercritical fluid chromatography;SFC;supercritical fluid chromatography SFC
  1. 用实验数据很好的拟合了超临界流体色谱保留值方程,间接测定了EPA-EE和DHA-EE在超临界二氧化碳中的偏摩尔体积。

    With these experimental data , SFC retention equation is related and the partial molar volumes of EPA-EE and DHA-EE in supercritical carbon dioxide are measured .

  2. 超临界流体色谱在食品功能性成分分离测定中的应用

    Application of SFC in food functional ingredient separation and determination

  3. 超临界流体色谱同时测定维生素B2,B3和烟酰胺

    Simultaneous Determination of Riboflavin , Nicotinic Acid and Nicotinamide by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography

  4. 超临界流体色谱法分析天然维生素E

    Analysis of Natural Vitamin E by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography

  5. 多元醇型非离子表面活性剂Span的毛细管超临界流体色谱分析

    The analysis of polyol non-ionic surfactants span by using capillary supercritical fluid chromatography

  6. EPA和DHA在超临界流体色谱柱中的传质动力学

    Mass transfer kinetics of EPA and DHA in supercritical fluid chromatography

  7. 超临界流体色谱(SFC)是高效液相色谱(HPLC)和气相色谱(GC)的重要补充技术。

    Supercritical fluid chromatography ( SFC ) is an new important complimentary technique for either high-performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) or gas chromatography ( GC ) in separation and analysis .

  8. 本文综述了近几十年来有关分析型超临界流体色谱(SFC)和制备型SFC的应用和进展,以及超临界流体萃取和超临界流体色谱的产品收集方法。

    A review has been accomplished for the advances in natural products ' separation by supercritical fluid chromatography ( SFC ) in recent years .

  9. 超临界流体色谱法制备EPA-EE和DHA-EE

    Separation of epa-ee and dha-ee with supercritical fluid chromatography

  10. 用超临界流体色谱(SFC)法研究了EPA和DHA在C18上的吸附和传质性能。

    Supercritical fluid chromatography ( SFC ) was used to study the adsorption equilibrium and mass transfer properties for eicosapentaenoic acid ( EPA ) and docosahexaenoic acid ( DHA ) on C 18 by means of impulse response technique .

  11. 对超临界流体色谱的分离技术进行了介绍,并对超临界流体色谱和质谱联用(SFC-MS)技术在甘油三酯的分离和检测方面的应用和研究进展进行了综述。

    The separation and detection of triglyceride by supercritical fluid chromatography and mass spectroscopy ( SFC-MS ) were reviewed .

  12. 同时综述了花生四烯酸(AA)的研究概况以及目前提取分离的主要方法,在论述了各种提取分离方法优缺点的基础上,提出用超临界流体色谱法制备花生四烯酸乙酯(AA-EE)。

    The research work and separation methods of arachidonic acid ethyl ester ( AA-EE ) were also reviewed . By comparison of advantage and disadvantage of the separation methods , we selected SFC to separate AA-EE from PUFAs oils .

  13. 用超临界流体色谱法(SFC)测定茶叶中的咖啡因,在二氧化碳流动相中加入体积分数为5%的甲醇后,得到了良好的分离效果。

    A rapid supercritical fluid chromatographic method for the determination of caffeine in tea is described It is shown that a mobile phase of carbon dioxide , modified with 5 % methanol achieved excellent results The method is simple in the sample preparation .

  14. 利用该流程,将石腊、DC-200气相色谱固定相、黄油、蜂蜡、救心油、红花油等样品进行超临界流体色谱分离。

    With this system , hydrocarbon wax , DC-200 stationary phase of chromatography , butter , beeswax and the medicines such as Jiuxin oil , Wanhua oil can be separated , respectively .

  15. 超临界流体色谱测定牛奶中乳清酸的含量

    Determination of Orotic Acid in Cow Milk by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography

  16. 超临界流体色谱系统中采用单泵在线添加改性剂

    Single Pump On Line Addition of Modifier for Supercritical Fluid Chromatography

  17. 填充柱超临界流体色谱系统中的溶剂效应

    Effect of Sample Solvents on Retention in Packed Column Supercritical Fluid Chromatography

  18. 毛细管超临界流体色谱中一些基本参数的研究

    Investigation of some basic parameters in capillary supercritical fluid chromatography

  19. 用于制备规模的超临界流体色谱分离对映体受到青睐

    Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Gains Favor in Preparative-scale Separation of Enantiomers

  20. 超临界流体色谱法应用于几种药物有效成分分析的研究

    Study on Application of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography in 5 Drugs

  21. 超临界流体色谱与MAT&212质谱仪联用技术的探讨

    A Study on Combination of Supercritical Fluid Chromatograph with MAT-212 Mass Spectrometer

  22. 超临界流体色谱制备花生四烯酸乙酯

    Preparation of Arachidonic Acid Ethyl Ester by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography

  23. 超临界流体色谱保留行为的研究&烃类在非极性柱上的保留值

    Retention Behaviour of Normal Hydrocarbons in Capillary Supercritical Fluid Chromatography

  24. 填充柱超临界流体色谱法分离单糖

    Separation of Monosaccharides by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography ( SFC ) with Packed Column

  25. 超临界流体色谱密度线性程升时保留规律的研究

    An Approach to the Theory of Linear Density Programming in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography

  26. 银杏叶提取物中槲皮素和芦丁的超临界流体色谱法测定

    Determination of Quercetin and Rutin in Ginkgo biloba Extract by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography

  27. 串联微柱在超临界流体色谱中的应用

    Application of Serial Microcolumns in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography

  28. 超临界流体色谱中溶质的保留行为

    Retention Behavior of Solutes in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography

  29. 超临界流体色谱和质谱联用在油脂分析中的应用

    Application of supercritical fluid chromatography and mass spectrometry in analysis of oil and fat

  30. 超临界流体色谱在手性分离中的应用

    Application of the SFC in the chiral separation