
  • 网络contact isolation;Contact precaution
  1. 结论手术操作步骤在大肠癌根治性手术中占有重要地位,不接触隔离技术能明显降低肝转移率,值得推广应用。

    No touch isolation technique can significantly decrease the liver metastaic rate and should be applied abroad .

  2. 目的研究K562细胞在与正常骨髓基质细胞(BoneMarrowStromalcells,BMSCs)接触和隔离培养条件下对BMSCs生长特性及造血负调因子MIP1α表达的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of K562 on bone marrow stromal cells ( BMSCs ) by observing the changes of the growth characteristics and the expression of negative regulatory factor MIP-1 α of BMSCs .

  3. 目的:研究正常和病理骨髓基质细胞(BMSC)在与K562细胞接触和隔离培养条件下对该细胞株增殖与凋亡的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effects of normal and pathological bone marrow stromal cells ( BMSC ) on the proliferation and apoptosis of K562 cells in separated culture and contact culture .

  4. 接触网上隔离开关开断能力的探讨

    Exploration on close-open capacity of disconnecting switch on over-head contact line

  5. 传染性非典型肺炎接触者隔离医学观察费用评价

    Cost Evaluation on the Fees of Medical Observation of Quarantining Contactors with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

  6. 实现接触网隔离开关的集中联锁监控是铁路电气化发展趋势。

    It is the trend to realize OCS isolating switches ' centralized interlocking monitoring with the development of electrified railway .

  7. 结论右半结肠癌的顺行性淋巴结清扫切除术,手术操作并不困难和复杂,但更符合不接触、隔离的原则,可减少术后肝转移和增加5年生存率。

    Conclusions The operative technique of the excision was little difficulty and complexity , and it could fit well with the requirement of non touch isolation , and act to cut down the postoperative metastasis to liver and to elevate 5-year survival rate .

  8. 首先,建立了一类具有一般非线性接触率及隔离函数的染病年龄结构SIRS传染病模型。

    An SIRS epidemic model with general nonlinear contact rate , general screening function and infection-age dependence is first formulated .

  9. 3实验方法:(1)细胞培养:正常BMSCs在第10d,慢粒BMSCs在第15天出现集落间融合,加入K562与BMSCs直接接触与用隔离膜两种方式培养,为时相点开始记时点。

    Experiment method : ( 1 ) Cell culture : K562 was cultured on BMSCs after cell confluence at 10d in normal BMSCs and at 15d in CML BMSCs .

  10. 方法加入K562细胞与BMSCs直接接触与用隔离膜两种方式培养,第2、4、7、12天观察BMSCs生长增殖情况;

    Methods BMSCs were cultured with K562 in isolation culture and contact culture . At 2 , 4 , 7 , and 12 d after culture , the growth of BMSCs was observed using an optical microscope ;

  11. 本文首先对论文的研究背景和意义做了简要介绍,并介绍了接触网故障隔离技术的发展及研究现状。

    In this paper , first , the background and significance of this paper are introduced , and the research status of technique of failure isolation of overhead contact line is presented .

  12. 2004年,在我国出现了两个实验室感染的病例并在公众中传播,引发了大范围的病源追踪,病源接触者的隔离以防止新的流行。

    Two cases of laboratory acquired SARS coronavirus infections in China last year spread into the community and triggered extensive efforts in tracing and isolating contacts of patients to prevent a new epidemic .

  13. 新泽西州一所学校因该校一学生感染甲型H1N1流感住院而被迫停课。该生目前正在接受治疗。5名密切接触学生已被隔离观察。

    A New Jersey school is after a student was with swine flu , he is expected to recover , but five other kids are also being tested for the virus .

  14. 英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊在与一名新冠检测呈阳性的人接触后开始自我隔离。

    British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is self-isolating after someone who tested positive for COVID-19 .

  15. 然后让这些研究对象接触感冒病毒,隔离5天之后,看看哪些人患上了感冒。

    Then they exposed the subjects to the virus , quarantined them for five days and kept track of who got sick .

  16. 新华社说,同病鸡有过接触的农民经过隔离检疫,没有发现有感染禽流感的症状。

    Xinhua said farmers who were in contact with infected chickens were put under quarantine , but have not shown symptoms of the disease .

  17. 其余接触者仍在隔离中,但有望在几天后解除隔离,因为中国卫生部制定的对密切接触者的隔离观察期为14天。

    Others remain in quarantine , but are expected to be released over the next few days , as the14-day observation period mandated by China 's health authorities draws to a close .

  18. 唯一能阻止疫情传播的方法就是隔离每位受感染的病人,找到每个曾与他们接触的人,隔离其中的患者,然后重复这一过程,直到没有任何新病例为止。

    The only way to stop an outbreak is to isolate each infected patient , trace all their contacts , isolate the ones who get sick and repeat the process until , finally , there are no more cases .

  19. 截至下午六时,已有76名密切接触者及次密切接触者被隔离。

    By 6 pm , 76 primary and secondary contacts have been placed in quarantine .